19 M.

I work as someone who brings groceries out to customers cars, but when we aren’t busy and in the back room we of course socialize. I get along with all my co-workers and don’t have any I hate. I even have a few i would consider a friend but don’t hang out with outside of work. I use to have a really close friend that worked with me but he quit, so I have to try and be able to be social with others

I use to have really bad social anxiety but i sought therapy for it and now i have a lot more confidence in myself and coping mechanisms for overthinking. I actually am at a point where i can approach a girl i think is cute, worse that will happen she rejects me and thats fine. But socializing with co-workers is different for me. I have a hard time just talking to certain people who will talk in groups. Like thinking of something to talk about or ways to comment on conversation’s already happening. Its not like everyone ignores me and pretends i don’t exist but there are a lot of times where people will be talking and as its not my conversation to interject myself into i just pace around like a weirdo.

I don’t necessarily need new friendships for outside of work, i have a big group of friends but most of them use to work where i do but hated it so they aren’t coming back. So i was hoping to find get tips on social skills for the workplace so i often don’t to have to feel like a weirdo that paces around the room when he’s bored because he’s too insecure with his social skills to talk.

1 comment
  1. Just ask a question every now and then, or make a comment: “wow.” “Oh that sounds hard.” “Fun.”
    “Love that.” “Hunh.” Laugh when others are laughing, smile, when someone’s telling something funny etc

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