on the app, it says he wants a long-term relationship and is open to short. We are in the same cultural background living somewhere with nobody in our culture. I was done being on the app ( I haven’t been on it for a bit) until I saw he liked me. My gut is telling me to run, I think I will be listening to it. I told him I’m not interested as we have different intentions, we do not seem compatible. He hasn’t replied and I doubt he will. Did I make the right call?

I didn’t listen to my gut with my last two relationships and what the guys were saying before (one said no labels and other said his ex is his bestfriend and she will be around and I have to be ok with that despite his ex saying she isnt interesed in being around him and is happily in a new relationship lol). I got myself in pickles being in relationships with guys who are madly in love with their ex or another woman. Both times, those ladies were rejcting my boyfriends, but my boyfriends continued persisting into their lives and being avoidant with me.

I dont want to overthink, but I do not trust myself. To me he made it so clear he wants someone to fill the void. So here we are. Please help reddit

  1. He’s been clear he’s looking for a rebound, if you’re not into that then bow out.

  2. He just told you he wants a rebound. If you’re not up for that, then walk. If you are, wrap it before you tap it

  3. He can just take some time to be emotionally healthy and heal like the rest of us

    He might want someone to fix his pain. You can’t no matter what you do

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