She sent me a random text like “who loo cheering for baydii?” I was like “learn a new language?” and she said she was watching a soccer game with her friend and used speech to text and it came out like that.

Months later she sent me a text with “baydi” again and corrected it to “baby”. Then it clicked that message months ago was in fact saying “baby” and I realized speech to text wont even jumble up words like that.

I asked her about it, and she completely blew up on me, said I waited too long and have been festering these hateful thoughts of her, I have trust issues, I was pussyfooting it by trying to frame my question nicely, etc. Truth be told I have had trust issues with her and been wrong before so I understand her being pissed but Im at a loss what to do here cause it seems totally reasonable for me to wonder or at least get an apology like “sorry i lied to you I was watching it with my girlfriend and I thought you wouldn’t believe me”. Still though its such a ridiculous lie to make.

I asked if shed be willing to show me she was just texting her friend and she refuses.

When shes been suspicious of me Ive just been like nah baby you have no need to worry here look this is everyone I talked to. But its like If I have any doubts about anything she takes it super personally.

Funny thing is I doubt shes even cheating on me and shes super nice to me otherwise and never brings up issues, and just wants me to trust her, so Im inclined to let it go but its really upsetting me that me asking what I think is completely reasonable gets such a bad reaction. I also just plainly dont like that she would make up such a ridiculous lie. How am I supposed to trust someone when they can commit to a bold lie and not even apologize?

Tldr: Gf sent me a weird text calling someone baby, and almodt definitely lied about it to cover it up. Cant talk to her about it cause she just wants me to trust her

  1. im sooo confused wtf did you think the original text should have said ? and yes speech to text can jumble things like that especially if its autocorrect is on. you need to give more. more info, more context, more pretext ?!

  2. Who she calling baby? It sounds like she is asking somebody who they cheering for and this person either knows she is at the game or at the game also. I have learned that people who accuse but can stand to be accused are the ones that have something to hide. If she was open and honest she would hand you her phone, but her blow ups are being manifested because she does not want to do that. She may not be cheating now but there are hooks in the water and she open for it. I would do my research on her and find out if cheating is common for her. If she cheated on most of her exes your next OP. She’s grooming you now to be afraid to ask questions. Be a man OP stand your ground and the next time she accuses you offer your phone unlocked only if she does the same. If she refuses she has something to hide. I would make it mandatory. If she still refuses tell her to kick rocks. You will be better off in a long term relationship with someone with your values.

  3. Your not being a idiot cause you feel something off. Your spirit knows danger far before you do. That’s why 100 percent of spouse who catch their partners cheating started to look for anomalies. If you ask they will tell you something just felt off. It was how they smiled or I heard of one that said his spouse started to talk dirty during sex. A relationship is like a complicated Tango and if any step or beat is off you feel it even before you realize what IT is. Word of advice is keep paying attention , but don’t show your hand until you having a strong lay down.

  4. Keep your head up bro. The two texts alone are not enough to get wrapped up in your head about. Even if you knew what they said, you’d have to fill so many gaps to come to the conclusion that she’s betraying you. Ultimately she’s be the only person who could fill those gaps, so yeah it ain’t gonna happen. Let it go. Trust isn’t relative, it’s absolute. You either do or you don’t. As the person before me said, you gotta know when to hold’em and when to fold’em.

    Just keep your eyes open. If she’s cheating, it’ll come out. In my experience cheaters aren’t trying to hide it. Subconsciously most cheaters do it because they want out of the relationship but rather predictably they don’t know how to communicate it in a healthy way. Not to say that’s what’s happening here but you get my drift.

  5. You need to work on your insecurities. Text to speech jumbles shit all the time. Trying to get it to do the same thing twice in a row can be impossible then it just randomly does it again. Not to mention how your device chooses to correct something won’t be the same as how her device does.

  6. Most women don’t refer to their female friends as baby. I hope you sure about her past. It sounds like your on the right track…… cautious optimism…..good luck OP.

  7. I didn’t break up with my girl at the time. We had plans one nIght and she left me hanging. The next morning she texted me around 5am (she never wakes this early) I’m tired going to bed just left the hospital. That evening I got ahold of her and questioned her about it and also saw her shirt with the hospital sticker. She said she got there at 7pm but the sticker said “guest 12:05pm” 5 hour difference. I felt sick cause her mom works at the hospital and I was thinking she ran in there and got a tag at the time she dropped her mom off to cover being with someone else. So I decided to be a jerk about it and left her in tears .she could explain the laps in time. The next day I wanted to Leo e I was right. I went to the hospital at 7pm. They security guard gave me 12:05pm sticker. I asked him and he said yes you have to leave by 12 so we don’t care when u come in at night time so all of them say 12:05. The latest you can stay. I had a lot of apologizing to do after that. Luckily she was a good girl and she accepted my jealous as endearing and we grew closer together.

    Point is, do your research get some proof. Then u an say something. Don’t be like me and act a fool proof first . Then you can ask.

  8. OP. Just remember that cheaters don’t rely on their partners stupidity to hide their cheating….they rely on their partners Love and trust.

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