I’ve recently discovered that this girl (k) I’ve been crushing on hard has a best friend who I absolutely hate. Me and that friend have gotten into serious conflicts involving police l, and ended up with me getting reprimanded in school (looooong suspension). I made a joke and she took it personally. Either way, that stuff is irrelevant. I am conflicted on wether to pursue k or not. Her friend will tell her what happened and I don’t want that situation to be brought up again. It is behind me and I’ve bettered myself. I am worried if I continue to pursue k, her friend will bring up the past and new people will look down upon me for what a far younger, far stupider me said. I value my reputation very much. I really like k and she’s a good person as far as I can tell but her friend is mentally ill (seriously, been in the phyc ward multiple times). This worried me because the person you are is the 5 most people you spend the most time with blended together. I am stuck.

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