I am autistic and I am not being hired anywhere to work, I managed to save some money from relatives giving me money gifts. I am dating a guy ldr and he comes visit often. I haven’t visited him ever and I would like to.

My parents are what I’m scares the most.. I am 23 and because I don’t have an income they treat me like I am 5. What should I say to parents? I planned to tell them that I will go abroad for some volunteer thingy. I know that they will freak out. If I mention a boyfriend there is no no no way they will let me go.

I thought of telling thrm today I am interested in taking some volunteer programs and tomorrow tomorrow tell them that I want to go abroad and that it’s a huge chance etc.

My boyfriend has been waiting for me and he is very sad cause I keep delaying going to him.

Tldr I have an ldr and he always comes here and I want to go there sometime but my parents are very annoying about me sleeping away and traveling, especially for a guy. How can I tell them? I plan to tell them that I will go abroad to volunteer

1 comment
  1. frankly, when it comes to traveling to another country, its VERY IMPORTANT that people in your life have an accurate understanding of where you’re going, who you’ll be with, and when to expect you back. If, god forbid, something were to happen to you, it wouldn’t be useful to anyone if your parents had no idea where you were.

    That said, you’re 23. I understand they treat you like a child because they’re still providing for you. But at some point you WILL have to assert your independence. And as long as you’re spending your own money and as long as you’re taking necessary precautions, you can do what you like. I would suggest keeping your passport/travel documents somewhere they dont have access to them, and then telling them “i’m going to this country for these dates to visit a friend.” and that is all you need to tell them.

    No sense in lying, just take this opportunity to express to them that you’re an adult who spends your money as you see fit and who is independent and can make decisions for yourself.

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