What fictional villain, if they were real, do you think would be the most terrifying, or the biggest threat to society?

  1. Kid Buu from DragonBall Z. Within a few minutes of being awake, he blew up the planet for lol and then went to the afterlife to fuck them up again.

  2. All villain archetypes have the same threatening characteristics. It’s like asking who do you want to die from Darth Vader, Joker, Voldemort, Terminators and how painfully you want it?

  3. The Entities from Worm are pretty scary as this species that can cross over between universes as an innate ability and runs experiments on the species they come across by giving them the abilities they’ve developed while driving the test species towards conflict before taking all their power back when the experiments done and blowing up every version of that species’ homeworld and moving on to another species in their pursuit to outwit entropy

  4. Lex Luthor or Wilson Fisk aka THE KINGPIN. My reasoning is the reality that any one of us could be that way if we so choose. No magic. No irradiated spider bite. No monsters or super-science. Just practice, patience and a lowered if not absent resistance to ‘pull the trigger’ when we have the upper hand on someone.

  5. Most terrifying would be Cthulhu or some kind of crazy horror movie-esque villain.

    Most threatening would be just anybody extremely powerful, that no amount of human weaponry can kill.

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