Growing up, I never really had many sexual desires. As a teen I rarely masturbated, and I only really had sex with my boyfriends when they initiated it. And sure, I enjoyed it, but less so the physical sensation and much more the emotional connection that formed between us thanks to the act.

But now I’m 21, and that seems to have changed all of a sudden in the past month. All of a sudden I get turned on so easily – and so intensely. It’s hard to describe, but it’s like a fire inside me had been awoken, and now I get turned on so easily. I now get off with my shower head after every run, just because the stimulation of my shorts rubbing against my crotch was so intense. I’ve even caught myself sticking my hand into my pants just while watching TV, and every morning I now wake up completely soaked.

But I still didn’t think that much by it – sure, it’s strange, but people go through different phases, right? But then this weekend, I did something crazy… I had sex with my best friend. He had only made a slightly teasing remark, and that triggered something in me and I basically threw myself at him. And it’s not that the sex wasn’t good or anything, but rather that I feel like I wasn’t in control? Because rational me would NEVER have done that…

I do not know who to talk to about this, so I made this burner account, hoping to get the thoughts of some other people. So, is there something wrong with me?

  1. I think everyone goes through stages. Sometimes it could be physical change, like exercising, or mental like anxiety or depression. There’s nothing wrong with you. Enjoy it

  2. Two thoughts come to mind.

    Well, no, three. The first being that, no, nothing’s wrong with you.

    There’s a growing consensus, from what I read, among people who study human neurology that our brains keep changing and developing right through our twenties. (I mean, to a greater extent and at a faster pace than the normal lifelong neuroplasticity.) In a sense our brains aren’t really fully grown in our early twenties (and don’t I wish I’d known that when I was that age), and it’s normal to have a distinctly different brain, in some ways, at 29 or 30 than at 21. That could definitely include, I would think, a different “sex brain” if you will.

    Related to that, people hit puberty at different times and also develop their interests in romantic connections and in sex at different times. Some are precocious in this regard and are getting sexually curious in their early teens; for some that kicks in later. And I suspect that physical puberty and actual interest in sex don’t necessarily always hit at the same time. (They didn’t for me.) It sounds like you’re one of those for whom it happened later, but it’s still perfectly normal. In a way this could be an advantage: you’re getting really interested in sex at an age when you have more life experience, maturity, and common sense and can handle it better.

    Don’t worry, be happy. 😎

  3. HAve you ever been on medicationthe pill or any hormone related medicines? Sometimes those can cause changes in libido.

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