How much coffee can you drink that it doesn’t effect your sleep or give you jitters?

  1. It depends on the brand I guess, and what I eat with it. You really got to know your body, as it can differ for everyone. Adding foodstuffs that help you feel sleepy can help too, along with drinking enough water to help flush out your system. Lasty drinking it early enough in the day, but you knew that.

  2. Probably a liter or two. When I was in my teens and 20s and worked nights as a grocery store baker, I’d drink one of those 5l carafes by myself every night.

  3. Apparently taking caffeine with another constituent of green tea called l-theanine (you can get it as a supplement too) helps take off the jitters but keep your wakefulness.

  4. I don’t drink enough coffee to give me the jitters, because I know that any more than 3 will keep me awake.

  5. All of it. I have finished an energy drink 5 minutes before falling asleep. I drink coffee cause I like the way it tastes, not cause it helps wake me up.

    If you drink a lot of caffeine it will stop having an effect on you. It’s not fun.

  6. I have ADHD so the caffeine actually calms me down, I sleep like a baby after an evening coffee.

  7. IDK how much it takes to get jittery, but I’ve never managed to drink that much. I can go through a pot or two in a day on my own.

    I frequently sit down with a cup of coffee to unwind before bed. A hot drink is nice in the evening.

  8. I usually do about two cups a day. More than that it makes my stomach feel kind of sour for some reason, I don’t even put any shit in it, just straight black coffee.

  9. I can drink two energy drinks and maybe 2 or 3 coffees and be fine, caffeine doesn’t affect my sleep at all. Though I do try and stop drinking caffeine after like 2pm.

    I could easily drink 5 or 6 and have no issue sleeping. Wouldn’t be great for my heart rate but I’d be fine by night time.

  10. There are times I can’t sleep, not really tired. I’ll make some coffee, watch a 20min show and by the end of the show and cup, I’m very tired and can sleep.

    It’s not the 20mins, it’s the coffee that gets me there.

    Most coffee I’ve consumed in a day is two pots. Caffeine doesn’t really seem to ramp me up.

    I don’t drink it much these days.

  11. This is a super individual thing. I drink about 2 cups of coffee per day now, and can have a cup in the early afternoon with no nighttime impact.

    However, when I was studying voice, I didn’t drink any caffeine. No coffee, tea, or soda. On the rare days I’d have a soda with dinner, it keep me up super late and I wouldn’t sleep well all night. One 12-ounce can of diet Coke.

  12. Two to three cups easy, as long as I have food in my belly. Coffee by itself can cause jitters even on one cup.

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