Edit: **MEETUP.com** not MeetMe

23M, living in the UK (only Cornwall so it’s a low-population area). I’ve always been shy, i struggle with approaching people and starting conversation, but I’m pretty much fine when I’m the one who’s been spoken to. I’ve always been relatively lonely – got a twin brother whos the same as me, a couple mates (one since we we’re little, the other we’ve been mates for nearly a year but it’s great), and i work at a small business so it’s not like i can really chat to anyone at work. Never had a gf and want to change that. Me and my twin bro r basically exactly the same and in exactly the same situation – happy but also shy and lonely

Basically we’ve reached a point where we want to sort out our loneliness – sure we’ve joined Hinge (which is ok but u can expect little-to-nothing due to Cornwall having such a low population), but the idea has evolved since and now we want to just generally meet new people/make some new friends and hopefully become more social as a result. Afaic theres 2 ways for us to approach this – going down the local pub and trying our hand at approaching and chatting to people, or we could go on MeetMe (or even fb groups) and try meeting new people that way by attending (or even creating?) events/meets. There’s no point in suggesting the cliche “join a club/group to do with ur hobby” cos our hobbies are just gaming, walking and music, it’s not like we play sports or anything. (Also low population area means theres less stuff going on anyway)

Just wondering what would be the best way to get out there and meet new people and make some friends. I’d like to think MeetMe is a good option, simply cos my weakness is approaching and sparking convo, but I’m also open to trying to chat to people at the pub if i have to 😅 All help is appreciated, thanks in advance

  1. My preference is to join special interest groups and make friends from that. For example if you like to run then join a run club. If you like table top gaming find a table top gaming club. It’s much easier to make friends when you have a shared common interest. If you can’t think of a group to join then see what is out there and what might be appealing. People love sharing their interests and hobbies with new people.

  2. > Best way to meet new people: MeetMe or going down the local pub?

    Why does it have to be “or”? Use whatever options you’ve got.

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