My family will sometimes make fun of each other as a joke, and it’s never really taken seriously or anything, and most of the time I don’t really mind having fun poked at me since it’s pretty even, and I also dish it out. However, some of the jokes directed at me kind of make me uncomfortable. I have trouble remembering to do some things like chores, and will occasionally zone out, plus I often ask more questions than needed when someone tells me to do something, and might even be seen as lacking common sense in some areas, and my social skills are to put it nicely, lacking. Some of the jokes pointed at me are about these traits of mine, and I normally wouldn’t really care if it was just joking, but I genuinely feel like my family isn’t just joking and actually thinks I am incompetent as they have even joked that I may not be able to live independently when I grow up and will need a caregiver. I have talked to them about me feeling like this, but they just told me that they were only joking. Am I being too sensitive about this? Are there anyways that I could improve myself so that my family thinks better of me? Are there ways I could better communicate with my parents about how I feel? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I am not sure how to help with the family problem. I am so sorry they are saying these things to you.

    But I do think you should get tested for ADHD. And when you do make a policy with your family that it isn’t something to joke about- because some things are just not ok to joke about.

  2. This doesn’t sound like you but I have been diagnosed as ADHD but turns out my real diagnosis was autism + asshole family.

    I had the same issue with my family constantly putting me down for being so disorganized—what do you mean you’re 7 you’re parents never taught you to pack, you’re on vacation 3,000 miles away and you’re family had moved your suitcase 3 times “you’re so disorganized”

    I grew a lot and got myself situated and leaning into my autism diagnosis and living alone I live an organized life with laser sharp focus and am highly praised for my hyper organization, project management and the career that Im building.

    And my family still makes fun of me for being an airhead disorganized etc.

    You can’t fix them, I just limit contact with them

  3. I don’t like it at ALL, that it seems to be your whole family. Where are the parents in this?? Could you take one of them aside and tell them how you really feel?

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