Women of reddit, what was the shortest relationship you’ve ever had and what happened?

  1. We dated for like… 3 weeks and he was talking about marriage, kids. I was 17 just starting college (late birthday) I broke up with him and he threatened to kill himself and went to a psych ward.

    Bullet dodged.

  2. 45 minutes. We met in an MMORPG, he asked me to date him, we rode off into the sunset on his mount, then decided it was too fast 45 minutes later and we broke up.

    I was 14.

  3. Five months. We were in high school. It was my first relationship. I wasn’t crazy about the whole thing and planned on moving for college, so I broke it off before we got to that point.

  4. I dated a total loser for a little less than a month in early college. He was clingy, a stoner and a dealer, and directionless – I broke up pretty quickly. Don’t how how we ended up dating looking back. I got mono from him, which I’m 99% certain has been the root cause of 10+ years of extremely difficult health issues. I regret it so, so much.

  5. My first relationship. I was in my last year of Gymnasium, 19 years old and had a three months relationship that was classical teenage drama. Nothing unusual.

    Started my second relationship at 21, and we’re together for 13 years now. 🙂

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