We’ve been talking for a few days but we haven’t met in person. But we’ve been talking A LOT and we have a lot of shared interests and talking is just so fun with him. But i feel like he’s taking everything so seriously. Or maybe i am making it seem serious too bc i really like him so far. Thing is, we’re getting so serious that we’ve made plans about going jogging 3 days a week when fall comes and also we ordered a mat so that we can do yoga together. We even planned a trip together for winter lol.

So it’s kinda freaking me out all of a sudden. What if i go out with him and for instance, i won’t like how he looks or something? I mean i’ve seen his photos and i like how he looks (not as much as the guy i’ve talked about in my previous posts, but i can’t be obsessed with him forever and it’s not easy to find someone as good-looking as him). But what if i won’t like him when i see him in person? I can’t just suddenly reject him for no reason bc his personality is actually so good and he’s respectful, unlike this jerk i’m sleeping with.

What should i do guys? I’m suddenly so nervous about this.

Edit: Also, i’m 21 and he’s 28. The age gap is not too much right?

  1. Slow it all waaay down. Take it 1 date at a time & don’t make lots of plans ahead of time. A women that has her own life, is busy is more desirable & attractive.

  2. You need to meet him before making all these plans and getting excited! I just broke my rules of getting excited before meeting someone as our conversation was so fun, natural & flirtatious. When we met irl well… his photos are 5/7 years old, profile said he lived near me (he doesn’t), surprise he has a baby, is unemployed and after the first date his communication is all over the place (nothing & then super intense), forgets to follow up on plans. Total 180. Totally different human than the one I imagined from the internet & phone.

    OP – meet this person to get the full picture!

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