Pretty much the title. I \[29M\] know it’s a miserable experience for us. It seems like Bumble is a popular choice and my brother met his now wife on eHarmony, Match or Okcupid (forget which one exactly) after a while so I’ll probably try those.

I’m currently looking for a better job and was hoping to land one before starting to date as it would boost my confidence to have more money. The job market has been rough and it’s just not happening. I’m also not getting any younger. I know I need experience in dating again as I haven’t dated since college, so I feel like I should just start.

What should I know before I start on these apps? Which one do you think I should start with? If you’ve had success, which one have you found success with and how? I am totally new to all of this and really dreading it but I know I need to at least try it at some point.

tl;dr: Afraid to start on dating apps. Hoped to improve my life (job) first. It hasn’t happened in a year. Feels like time is running out for me and I want to try out the apps as I never have. Want to know what to expect and any advice.

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