This week I (f21) got out of a long term romantic relationship, and last year disconnected from friends who weren’t the best of people. I have one long distance friend who I used to be very close to, but things have been weird in our friendship lately and I don’t know why. I don’t have anyone around who I relate to and while I enjoy my time alone, I also wish I had people to have fun with and make memories with.

There are a few people I’ve followed on social media throughout the years who I have decent online relationships with. People who I’ve met once or twice years ago through other friends, people who I was friends with in elementary school, etc. Sometimes they reply to my stories and I reply to theirs and we’re very friendly and get along over messages very well. From what they post, it seems like we could still have a enough in common to spark a friendship.

I’m wondering if there’s a way to ask them to hang out in person without being awkward or weird? I’m neurodivergent and can struggle with knowing what to do in social situations. I haven’t seen these people in years, is there any way asking to hang out wouldn’t be strange?

Thank you for any help 🙂

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