When I was leaving for college at the airport with my mom a TSA agent pulled me aside and said something along the lines of “my daughter might be around your age, she’s taking her driver’s test soon. was it hard?” idk i was confused but answered truthfully. any idea why she might’ve asked me that? she totally could’ve been legit but i feel like it’s a tactic to weed out sus people?

  1. I think she was being legit. Weird interaction, but she might have been asking all the 16-18 year olds she could.

  2. That sounds like something an overly concerned anxiety ridden mother would ask everyone who could be about your age.

  3. Did you use an American driver’s license as id? If so, she may have been testing you to see if it was fake.

  4. It was probably a tactic to see if your age matches your identity. I have extensive experience watching “To catch a smuggler” on NatGeo. They ask questions and gauge your reaction to see if you’re nervous or unsettled, which may indicate you’re hiding something.

  5. I think its one of two things

    A) an unusually anxious and worried mother trying to make small talk with somebody their kid’s age to put their mind at ease

    B) a TSA employee trying to see if you’re up to something “sus” by seeing if your story matches your ID.

  6. Was it at Dulles? I’ve noticed they seem to do those tactics there.

    Other airports though, I’m guessing she was just chatty.

  7. She was probably just wondering. My oldest has her permit and I wonder the same!! I haven’t had to take a driving test in like 25 years.

  8. Probably her oldest or only kid so she was curious 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t overthink it

  9. sounds like she has a young daughter who will be taking her driving test soon and wanted to know if it was hard or not. just my two cents however. others may have equally valid, differing interpretations.

  10. Probably just making small talk. TSA employees are people too.

    Considering they are generally not very good at catching people, I doubt they were trying to do something clever.

  11. You were likely pulled aside for a different reason. She asked about the test as an ice breaker and to gauge your reaction

  12. No. It’s called “making conversation”. Kind of like when a cashier asks how you are today.

  13. Dude, it wasn’t about you. Everything was as it seemed to be. She thought you were approachable and the right age. You’re in the clear!

  14. Either just making conversation or trying to gushed your reaction. Either way, you passed!!

    Best of luck at school this year!

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