I have a dicussion about housechores in a marriage.

If a wife likes to do it and it becomes her full responsibility but the husband does help with throwing out the trash (always) and washing/hanging clothes.
Would you judge her and still say the rest is alot

Or is it acceptable?

  1. Lately, I’ve started to have the opinion that chores are the equal responsibility of both partners. Sure, if one partner has more free time, they may pick up more of the responsibility, but if they both work full time then the chores should be shared equally based on how much time the chores take.

    For example, taking out the trash versus running the vacuum. Sure, it’s one chore each, but it’s also a difference of 5-10 minutes of taking the trash out versus 30+ minutes of running the vacuum. If you only divide up the number of chores instead of the time put into the chores, then one partner inevitably ends up waiting for the other to finish. Worse, the partner that has to continue working on chores can easily get resentful.

  2. It’s 100% acceptable because the couple have decided it works for them.

    If anyone inserts themselves into another relationship where the couple have an agreement that works for them… they need to stay in their own lane and focus on their own home instead of others.

  3. Yep this is how it is for us, we both make the same money and have the same amount of free time, but I don’t mind doing the chores, he just does the trash, and his own washing. Never been an issue for us, and if I’m ever feeling really ill, he will make a conscious effort to help out and not let me do anything. If it works for you guys then don’t worry about anyone else, we don’t.

  4. A couple things that never seem to get mentioned in these discussions is competence and passion. Who is better at something goes a long ways in determining how long that task would take. I think a lot of people view putting together furniture as a manly task, but I’m terrible at it. I’m great at putting it together wrong, breaking it, and yelling profanities. My wife, on the other hand, really likes putting furniture together. She enjoys doing it, is faster than me at it, so it would be crazy not to let her do it.

    I’m an accountant. I enjoy it and am fast at it, so I end up paying the bills and making the budget. If people focus on their strengths and passions, they can reduce the total time it takes to do household tasks and open up more free time to enjoy together.

  5. To each their own. I do all laundry, cleaning (dusting mopping vacuuming), washing, plant and pet care, dishes, and it’s a lot because our house is fairly big. We take turns mowing the lawn. Plus I work
    Full time.
    I wish he would help more, even if it meant scrubbing his own bathroom but he won’t so I’ve given up on that. It just stays dirty. It’s tiring when you literally get no help.

  6. I’m of the opinion that household work should be divided in whatever way makes the most sense, whether that’s 50/50 or some other arrangement. As long as it works for both members of the couple, it’s great. In my household, due to time available and aptitude, the work is split roughly 70/30. Some people have an issue with it, but it works for both of us so it’s none of anyone else’s business. The only way it would be a problem was if it wasn’t working for one of us.

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