Hello guys, I’m not sure if it’s the right place to post this, please let me know otherwise.

I have few issues related to having meals with people. I’m hoping for some practical advice and if possible an analysis of why it happens to me…

A little background—I have been a lousy eater since I was a kid. And over the past few years I even developed swallowing anxiety. I’m just starting to take ‘eating properly’ seriously and learning to be cautious of my posture, eating slowly and making sure I take time to chew and swallow properly. It’s all fine when I’m by myself. But I have some practical issues when it’s a social setting with meals involved and they are:

1. How to eat properly when all other people are fast eaters and it looks odd/embarrassing to be the only one left alone with still more than half plates food let to eat, while they look at/ stare at you as you finish?
2. I get anxious when seated next to a fast paced eater; I somehow feel pretty anxious when someone eats fast and I mess up my eating habit just to finish to stop the anxiety, I guess.
3. I have problem enjoying a meal to the fullest when there is conversation involved. I also find that the other person tends to speak more often than me yet I can’t finish nor can enjoy the meal by eating slowly.
4. I also feel weird to have a taste of all the food that’s on the table just because I feel “what will people think, I’m eating a lot”.

I want to improve and not be awkward in social situations. I want to grow to a level where I can have great conversations/interactions with people, fun, eat well, and enjoy the social gathering with meals like a family lunch/ formal dinner/ huge party.

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