I tried everything… smiling more, laughing more, having a good posture, asking them instead of talking, I don’t overshare, reading books about social skills. They all eventually feel awkward around me or they don’t want to hang out and I don’t know what to do. It’s making me hopeless and like there is something wrong with me… Which increases my depressive episodes and let’s say it’s dangerous for my survival. Either my face is ugly or too childish? Maybe it’s because I’m big chested? Or slightly overweight (I lost a lot of weight…maybe I should be skinny)? Or autistic and people smells it somehow? I’m tempted to show a photo because I don’t even know anymore, a lot of contradictory messages.
Also, my art gets ignored irl by these people but people online says they really like it generally??
I’m going insane 🙂
Help or I will explode

  1. This usually has NOTHING to do with what you look like. Exception would be people who rarely smile. It’s hard to connect with someone who rarely smiles.

  2. Don’t fix it.

    One of the “things” I have come to learn in life is that people who are genuinely interested in you will seek to spend time with you – which creates positive impact in your life.

    You are unique (just like all the other 8 billion people on earth). (Don’t stop being you)

    You might be surrounded by folks who are different in different ways – and they might gravitate to a specific type of person.

    You need to find a group of folks that you gravitate with and that they will naturally be genuine to include their interactions with you.

    Be happy with who you are and don’t change a thing to gain acceptance by people who will never be genuine.

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