Planning to do Functional Skills English, can someone tell me what the speaking and listening part is like? I heard there is a discussion will there be more than one person when I’m doing it?

  1. It depends on the exam board and can therefore differ. In general it is a presentation and a discussion. It does have to be done in a group but this can be a very small group of 3-5 people.

  2. Mine was all online so it was all recorded on phones and laptops. We were in groups of 4 and were given two tasks, the first one was a short presentation on a topic of your choice and then your group mates would each ask questions about it that you would need to answer. You were marked on both the presentation and how well you communicated that and then questions you would ask your group mates about theirs, which I found difficult because two of them gave very dry presentations.

    The second task was a 10 minute discussion amongst you about a question you were given, ours was about the positives and negatives of social media, and you were marked on both how much and how well you spoke to the rest of the group and how clearly your gave your opinions across.

  3. I do these all the time. What level,are you doing L1 or L2? It is an assessment so the person conducting it will make sure you hit all the criteria.

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