What’s something innocent you keep from your significant other?

  1. I put stuff in my butt when I masturbate sometimes. I don’t want her doing that, wouldn’t turn me on at all, so I keep it to myself.

  2. I absolutely hated a certain dress she wore, like I secretly hoped she would lose it or get ruined in the wash or something.

    But she loved that damn dress so much so anytime shed ask if she looked nice in that dress, it would always be a yes.

  3. Reddit: sUcCeSsFuL rElAtIoNsHiPs ArE bUiLt On HoNeStY yOu ShOuLd TeLl YoUr PaRtNeR eVeRyThInG

  4. When she leaves for work she sometimes asks if the cat missed her, if he cried when she left or pawed at the door or anything. 30 guys could run in, ransack the place and shoot me in the head and that cat wouldn’t even wake up. So sometimes I tell her he was crying all day missing her and that I had to wrap him in her shirt to calm him down.

  5. Back when our kids were in diapers and we were out in public, she’d take them into the women’s restroom to change them. Sometimes I noticed the men’s room also had a changing station but didn’t say anything.

    I did change a gazillion diapers at home though.

  6. Once a month I check into a hotel for a day to watch all the sport I want, smoke and eat like a pig in peace and quiet.

    She thinks I’m at work.

  7. One of my kids took their first step when my wife wasn’t in the room with us. I didn’t tell her, made some excuse to call her into the room, set him up again and let her see his “first”.

  8. How come women can have all these secrets and be mysterious, but men have to have complete transparency about every fact of their existence? My wife gets so terribly upset if there’s anything I keep from her, no matter how unimportant. Like why can’t some things just be for me???

  9. I don’t play her 100% when we play games because she gets discouraged if she loses too badly so I scale my skill with hers and just go a bit beyond it so it’s close. Every other match or so I’ll make a “mistake” and let her capitalize and win.

  10. My ex had a bit of an anger issue (though thankfully not towards me). One Christmas, her aunt and uncle invited us to their home a few hours away and shared what the menu might be. She began to type furiously about how they cared NOT AT ALL about her dietary preferences and that it’s obvious they’re just trying to prevent her from going. Prior to sending the email, she asked me to spell-check and make sure “her point was understood”.

    While she slept, I instead rewrote the email, thanking them for the invitation, and requested that they consider adding a few food items she liked. In the end, she told them she was sorry she sounded so upset in the email, and they said that she didn’t sound upset at all, and it was reasonable for her to reach out like that.

    It was really hard to keep my mouth shut, but they had an indoor heated pool, so I took my chances.

  11. When I bring her a snack after work it’s not only because I wanted to do something sweet, it’s because there was a 2 for 1 sale.

  12. Girlfriend is 6’2, former military, a doctor, and competes in strongman competitions, shes smoking hot too.

    Shes very much an empowered female, but i dont tell her how much i appreciate how feminine she is when im with her, because it would make her possibly feel “lesser” than what she has been in her life. The longer we date the more she seems to be willingly taking on a feminine approach in our relationship, im kinda enjoying that shes getting more comfortable being that way in front of me. Shes been the man in all her other relationships haha.

  13. My boyfriend has seen Kelly Clarkson in concert 15 times. Including two days in a row. I can’t stand her music and listening to it in the car for the millionth time is like nails on a chalkboard to me

  14. The fact that I have two lightsabers and am a total nerd and really want her to duel me

  15. My wife loves to cook and she isn’t good at it… Everything she cooks is delicious!

  16. Macaroni is the most difficult thing for me to make but I still do it cause she likes it.

  17. My gf isn’t what you would call book smart. She struggled in high school and has tried community College twice. She signed up for community College again in the spring semester and unbeknownst to her I’ve been surreptitiously paving the path for her to make it as doable for possible as her. I research the easier professors and have her “find” classes that will suit her strengths. I found a session of the math class she’s taking where half of the grade is homework so I can spend extra time reinforcing the material with her and helping. If all goes well she’ll be in college algebra next semester. She just needs the confidence that she can do it and a little bit of extra help

  18. Before we moved in together I had a secret hoodie that I only wore when I wasn’t seeing her that day. I had it because she always used to steal my hoodies and it was annoying to go to put one on only to discover it was gone. I kept that secret for about two years.

  19. My ex fiancé and I were very close (friends since like the age of 14 etc) and I called her in a rough patch with my current girlfriend whom I’ve been with for now 6years /‘d have a child. I called her and asked for her advice on what to do about current girlfriend, she told me to forgive her and continue chasing her as she could tell I loved her.

    Here we are 2 years later with a baby 🙂

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