This is something that I have been contemplating since May, when she accidentally told me that she was engaged. I don’t know how to feel, so any advice is welcome.

My best friend (28F) in the whole world, someone who I consider a sister, got into a relationship, eventually got engaged, and started planning her wedding without telling me.

Me (26F) and my friend have been best friends for so long. 2009 was when we became inseparable. We tell each other everything and try to be there for each other. In November of last year, I asked her if she was dating anyone, and she said no, she was not, and I left it alone. In January again, I saw a message that came on her screen, and we started joking around. I asked her who that one was, and she said it was no one, and I left it alone. Fast forward to May. We were discussing something, and she accidentally blurted out that she is getting married in March of next year (2024). I was confused. I asked her how she could marry without being with anyone. She then mentioned that she’s been with someone for over a year, and they’re getting married. I was shocked, and I asked her why she did not tell me; she mentioned it was because when I first got together with my husband, I did not tell her right away, which makes no sense because she went through the whole boyfriend roller coaster with me. That conversation ended with her saying we’d talk more about it soon.
We still talk; however, we have not spoken about the wedding thing. She mentioned something and said someone’s name, which she eventually confirmed was her fiancé’s name. I didn’t stand on the subject, and we moved past that.

Weeks later, I went to an event in my hometown, and my best friend was there, and her man was there. Someone pointed him out to me, and I thought she would at least introduce me to him. Nothing happened. She never even spoke about him. Me and her spent the whole day laughing and playing around, because that’s how close we were. I questioned if something was wrong between us.

I questioned whether we had an issue; she said no; we still talk and show love to each other, and she often mentions wedding planning but does not include me in anything. We still seem to be close, but I’m so heartbroken. All of our family members think that I am joking when I say that I still have not met or know anything about my best friend’s wedding or relationship.
I want to speak to her about it, but I want to see how this will play out.
What do you suggest I do?

Sorry about the typos; I’m so emotional right now.

TL;DR : Basically we’ve been Bestfriends for a while, she got into a relationship, got engaged and planning a wedding while she still have not talked to me about it. We always promised each other maid of honor and If that was true, shouldn’t the maid of honor know about the wedding? Lol

  1. This is very weird. I can’t imagine getting engaged to someone my best friend hasn’t met/didn’t even know about. Has she dated before? Is this her first relationship?

    I know it’s not easy, but I suggest being very direct and asking her about it. Explain why you’re feeling the way you are and what led you to this point. If she’s not willing to give you more information, you may need to decide if this is something you’re okay with.

  2. She obviously isn’t the friend that you thought she was.

    Spend your time and energy with people that actually respect you.

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