Dated (F) this guy for 2 months, he then broke it off and told me that I am everything he wants but he isn’t over his ex and needs to work on himself.

Haven’t heard from him in 2 months. Then recently went to a party with common friends. He was there, stayed late until after all his friends left and was hanging out in the proximity of my friend’s group. Even ended up getting drunk food with us and sat across me so we kind of talked like everything was normal (ish, not flirty just friendly) but at no point did he actually pull me aside to talk things through.

Don’t know how to interpret this?? Was I supposed to make a move? I was finally starting to get over him but now I can’t stop thinking about him again …

  1. I think you interpret it exactly how it was presented – he wasn’t flirting, he was friendly and enjoyed a friendly night out with people he likes. What’s there to talk through? It doesn’t seem like he was mysterious or confusing about breaking things off with you? Nothing about the situation indicated you should be making a move.

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