I (f27 french and swiss) am married with my husband (m35 Turkish) since last February.

I met him from common friends that I met when I was having an affair with his cousin (m36 Turkish) that is married and has kids (I know, I’m an asshole).

His cousin tricked me when I was isolated and desperate, used me as a sex doll for him and his friends and even managed to destroy the last friendships I had by fucking my friends.

When this story was over, I had another toxic relationship with some man that wanted me to marry his brother to get him swiss papers, but I canceled everything when I met my actual husband.

He told me he was in a relationship at that time and we started to have sex together, but I wanted more and told him to come live at my apartment.
He accepted and we started planning our wedding, but it was more to help him stay here and get papers than just for love. I mean, I love him and he says the same but we haven’t made any party about it. Nothing.
I wear a ring but he doesn’t.

My husband is going a lot outside to hand out with his cousin and he lies to me about it, saying he’s just out for a walk, bit he’s always with him. I know that his cousin likes to surround himself with bitches and I’m worried my husband does the same to me.

His cousin has some shops including a bar, and even though I asked my husband if there was any girl in, he told me there was none, but later, I saw two Ukrainian girls liking his pics on Instagram and asked him about it. He told me that they were working at the bar and that he added them just to be nice, but I saw that he liked every picture they were posting.
Every single one.
I asked him to delete them and he did it.

But last night, he went out and pretended he was with a friend I know and when I walked to the bar I saw him arrive with his cousin. Before, I asked the waitress about him and showed a picture of him, and when I told her I’m his wife, she looked strange.

After that, he arrived and was very aggressive because drunk. He started yelling at me, saying he told me he was going to be late, and he grabbed my arm very hard, then slapped me in front of everyone and pushed me very hardly.

I was already in crisis because of my lack of trust, because he lied about what he was doing, and this violence destroyed me even more.
I left running and crying, completely wet to the bones because of the strong rain outside.
I got near the lake, and thought about throwing myself in the water to end everything, I’m not a good swimmer, and worst with big clothes soaked in water.

It took me something like at least one hour to stop crying and then to walk home.
I tried calling him many times but he switched his phone off.
I went home and tried to calm down by taking more of my usual pills and finally got to fall asleep during one hour before waking up in panic because he wasn’t there.

I got outside again looking for him with no success.
Then when I got home I had that notification that he switched his phone on and tried to call again, and I heard the ringtone outside the window, near the school in front of my building and then recognized his cough.
I was putting my shoes on again to go check and he arrived at the door, completely drilunk and flickering.
He got to bed.

Then today he took me in his arms while waking up.
Saying he is sorry.
He tried to minimize what happened by saying I shouldn’t come and embarrass him in front of everyone.
He acts now very nice with me but I feel like something is broken inside of me.
He promessed me that he would never hurt me, when I told him about my past relationships with violent men.

I always asked myself if he married me for money, sex and papers, or if he really loves me. I’m the only one working for the moment and I pay for everything, even paid for his 2 month travel to Turkey to see his family without me.

He gave me a lot of gifts, and is usually nice but the lies and the violence ruins everything.
I don’t know what to do now.
I’m not a very sane girl, I have an heavy antipsychotic treatment and I am not very well these last weeks so I supposed my husband could help me deal with it, but it doesn’t seems like he even cares.
Sorry for the long boring text. Please give me some advices.

  1. I’m so very sorry this happened to but you have know there is no future here? He didn’t slap you, he assaulted you and was confident enough to do that in front of others. What happens when he loses his temper when no one is around? Please, please go straight to the police and report what he has done; this man is dangerous and violent.

    Where are you now? Do you have friends near that can support you?

  2. He is physically abusive and a liar. You need to get away from him and do not date men in the future who are not completely honest and know how to treat a woman. You have no future with this man.

  3. Things will only get worse from here if you stay. You need to get out before he puts you in the hospital.

  4. You leave him. It doesn’t matter what his excuses are, abuse is abuse and it’ll just get worse. Get out of there and into therapy.

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