I was at an festival about two weeks ago and met an hot and funny nice guy there. We talked about music among other things. In the evening he entered my tent and we kissed and cuddled. He wanted to have sex but I dindn’t wanna have sex that evening. Anyway I got his friends number so that we would be able to meet up at the festival location after a band had played, neither me or the friend were interested in each other. I forgot to ask what number the guy I met had. He lived 5 hours away from me by car so it’s somewhat of an distance between us, but I would drive that far to visit him if he is interested. Would it be weird to ask his friend for his number? We only met each other for two days but I really liked him. Do you think he only wanted to hook up or was he interested in me?

  1. you had a good time. let that be and get your horniness out on one of your rotation. dont bother the guy

  2. The only way of knowing is to give it a shot. If you’re unlucky and he’s not interested, chances of bumping into one another are slim and embarrassment is minimal. If he is interested it could be the beginning of a great relationship. Feels worth the risk. Good luck

  3. You have nothing to lose by asking. If he is a good friend, he will pass your message along, if he doesn’t, and gets all pouty about it, that is on him, not a reflection on you.

  4. Seems most responses are “go for it”. But I think he’s not interested in you in a long term way, otherwise he would ask for your number. If a short time relationship is what you want, then go for it.

  5. Absolutely fine to ask, just because he didn’t ask for your number doesn’t mean he didn’t want it or isn’t interested. Only one way to find out!

  6. If he wanted a relationship then he would’ve asked for your number, either then or your mutual friend, or just tried to get in touch with you. I mean you talked about music then tried to hook up, the conclusion is right in front of you. But no harm in trying, you’ll either hook up or start a relationship. Or nothing

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