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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. I accidentally found myself in the grounds of a big old manor last night, which is a notable place because a woman named Karin Månsdotter lived there in the 16th century. She was the wife of Eric XIV, king of Sweden. They were deposed from the throne and sent from Stockholm to Turku to be held in captivity, and then after Eric XIV died the then king Johan III, brother of Eric XIV, gave this manor for Karin to live in.

    The thing is, I can’t help but to think how shit it must have been. I mean, the region I live in must have been a real shit hole in the 16th century. Karin Månsdotter first lived in Stockholm, which no doubt was also a shit hole back then, but at least it was the capital of the kingdom. Then she lived in Turku, which was most likely also a shit hole *and* she was held in captivity there, but at least it was the main city of F~~inland~~ East-Sweden back then.

    To then find herself in the middle of nowhere, collecting tax from some illiterate peasants. Must have been very different. Although, now that I think about it, maybe living in a manor in the middle of nowhere was the better option back then, compared to a big city like Stockholm. Less disease and stuff.

    Anyway, Karin Månsdotter, or Kaarina Maununtytär as she is better known here, is often called the “queen of Finland”, as she is the only Swedish royal who lived in Finland for a prolonged period of time. Long live the queen, I guess.

  2. Shala Lake, Ethiopia.

    Very pretty here, there are lots of birds.. also a nice hot spring and good walking around the lakeside.

    Very basic accommodation but they have a little internet access, enough to post a couple of short updates anyway 😉

  3. We are going for a heather hike today. Apparently it’s the most opulent heather bloom in years, and people are quite crazy about it. Does heather grow where you live? I do love heather honey, that’s super special.

    I just noticed that I haven’t been to a sauna in a long time. I feel like it would be a good thing to do, now that the weather is cooling down again 😔

    Is there something you enjoy, but haven’t been able to do or simply haven’t had time for a while?

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