I (26m) have been working a remote job for almost the past two years, started in fall 2021. The job is fine but I’ve noticed that I’ve pretty much become an introvert who legit gets so much relief & satisfaction out of spending a lot of time alone. I do get restless sometimes and genuinely want to go out and see people, which is good, but it seriously does not take me long to get super burnt out and just want to go tf home, lol.

It’s just kind of a shame bc I used to be SO extraverted, like always the life of the party, but I’ve felt that former natural extraversion slip away over time for sure. Also I’m still single and obviously just staying home each night isn’t going to do me any favors in that department. So yeah I’m just wondering if this is simply a sign of aging, or if maybe I can train myself to become more extraverted again and not so easily drained by the smallest interactions.

  1. It’s understandable how working remotely for a long time can make you more introverted

    Maybe try gradually stepping out and socializing to regain your natural extroversion!

  2. I was the same, like as in my family, school, everyone would say I was the funniest/coolest person but then Covid came and all my social skills vanished. I don’t know if I’ll ever get them back

  3. It’s not just you or just aging, this has happened during COVID to 70% of people I know too varying degrees.

    Maybe you have some favorite people and closest friends you can prioritize and start spending most time with them at first, not forcing yourself to go to parties immediately but just start with the interactions you find most enjoyable and gradually increase it over time? Maybe you can start with grabbing a beer or a coffee with 1-2 best friends or doing some hobby together and see if you’re getting more adjusted to social interactions again?
    Do you have any particular hobbies or favorite pastimes?

    My friend used to be the life of a party, but has moved away for a “good” job offer which turned out to be in a remote location where most people were both old and very introverted and there was no place to socialize at all. After over half a year, she developed social anxiety 🙁 isolation changes people, this does not mean the changes are irreversible!

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