I keep seeing the stereotypical jokes that Americans don’t walk nearly as far as Europeans per day so I’m curious what you’re daily averages are?

Im fairly in shape and try to land between 4-5 miles (6-8km) per day.

  1. About 4000 steps, which apparently is enough according to some article I read recently.

  2. According to the Fitbit app I average 11,000 steps a day, though that varies a bit. I think that is somewhere around the 6-8 km mark.

  3. I depends a bit. I like to walk in nature at least twice a week. Usually I try to walk for an hour or an hour and a half or so. But those are often on sand trails. I think those walks are 5 to 7 kilometers. And I try to walk outside, I have several directions I can go. Or I walk to the grocery store in my village . Often those walks are 30 to 45 minutes so maybe 3 to 5 kilometers. Unfortunately I do think I don’t walk nearly enough.

    I most say there are plenty of people who walk daily. Especially near my house (I live in a small village) there are plenty of joggers, people who do a small walk and walking with their dog. It’s often busy at night after dinner with people walking.

  4. My average is about 4 kilometers a day. That is just pure walking, because every place I need to go to is within 10 minutes of me.

    If it’s farther than that then I usually take my bike and the health app on my phone doesn’t track it as distance travelled.

  5. I always walk to and from work, about 5 km total. Often I end up taking detours on the way home though, running errands or going for after-work drinks, which adds a bit. I’ll also regularly go for short walks in the evenings and longer ones during the weekend. I’d guess it averages out somewhere between 5 and 10 km a day, but I’ve never been good at tracking it.

  6. According to my activity tracker/watch around 8000 steps daily on weekdays. Thats around 6km(3.7 miles)

    In weekends it varies it can be as low as 3000 or as high as 50km~65000 steps
    Especially if I start training for the walk of the world it skyrockets (walk of the world = Nijmeegse vierdaagse= 4 days of 40km each)

    This is with out biking.

  7. About 15,000-20,000 steps on a workday, but as I have a very irregular work schedule, with lots of time off, that’s not much.

    In a day when I’m not at work, I unfortunately walk very little.
    I do walk to the closest supermarket a few times per week.
    I walk to the third closest pizzeria occasionally (not a fan of the two closest ones).
    And I occasionally walk to some night-open gas station 2-3 km away.

    Otherwise, not much.

    When visiting other towns and cities, I usually leave my car and take the train or fly, then discover the local area by foot.

    I also go fishing a few times per summer, where I can park my car in the middle of nowhere and walk for an hour or so before finding a good spot, and then back the same or the next day.

    I really, really wish I still had the opportunity to own a dog, though it doesn’t work out with my current work schedule.

    Back when I had dogs, I often visited forests, mountains, islands, nature reserves, etc, just to walk for entire days.
    It’s not as fun to do that by myself.

  8. Yeah, in my experience, while Europeans walk more, but it really isn’t that much either.

    When you’re a tourist, you walk a lot in general, even Europeans will have sore feet when they’re visiting other European cities, when you’re walking 20-40k steps a day.

    Saying this as someone who attempts to run 5-10 km a day, and is restless. Every day life doesn’t feel any different than the US. Maybe that’s just me though.

  9. Very difficult to answer I’ve a job that envoles a lot of walking so I get at least eight hours five times a week just from that. Add on an extra two or three hours from outside my job I guess. When I’m on holiday, I would equal this just by looking around and exploring

  10. Well today was 11 kilometers, walking with dog, two times going for groceries (because I always forget that one random item). It was easy because it’s sununday. Average is 6 kilometres. Even after work I always try to hit 10000 steps mark.

  11. I try to stick to 10k steps a day. My daily commute is a 40 min walk by a lake / or 15 min bike ride because I’m so slow biking / or 15 min bus ride so it’s easy to achieve

    Last Saturday we did a 17 km hike and went to a festival in the evening, totaling 33k steps (me mid40s my friend mid50s) and we were properly exhausted afterwards. However, while still on the dance floor, we conquered

  12. I’m a bit of a couch potato these days since getting a few health conditions, so about the same as you. A couple of years ago it would have been x2 or x3 that most days and then probably just staying at home and playing computer games one or two days.

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