My(19m) gf(18f) of 9 months is moving 2 states (3.5hrs) away for college, and i don’t know what to do. To preface this, this is my first and only real relationship, and first person i’ve done anything with in bed, while I am number 6 for her. Our relationship this year has been almost perfect, we both love eachother dearly and grew a lot together. Since we had met, she had told me she wanted to go to this specific college for their nursing program as she wants to be a travel nurse. this was all well with me as i had never planned for our relationship to get very serious since we are both so young.

Fast forward a few months, and we are head over heels in love for eachother, the type where all of our friends use us as an example for the picture perfect couple. She even started telling me that she wants to get married and that i’m the love of her life etc. At this point in time she told me she wouldn’t be able to leave state for this college bc of how expensive out of state tuition was, so she was planning to attend a nursing school only 40 min away. This made me happy as i don’t have much family/friends at all anymore, and her being with me means the world to me. I currently work a full time job 40 hrs a week and am hustling every minute i’m not at work to try and save up money and make ends meet. I am making ok money now but because of my financial situation i am entirely tied down in this shitty city i grew up in and likely won’t have the money to leave for years. She comes from a rich family, never had to work, lives in a big ass house, literally a movie theatre in the house, got a brand new $40,000 car for her birthday, etc, so she doesn’t understand this. Fast forward to now.

Her parents ended up paying for her tuition at this school in full, and she just moved out there 2 states away about a week and a half ago, and seems to be having the time of her life. Loving the new people shes meeting, started rush and is joining a sorority, and fully changing to the college/greek lifestyle. However she still “wants to make things work” and says she still loves me the same. For me, this past week has been even more stressful and trying than i could’ve imagined. I’ve gone through a lot of hardships and loss this past year and i’m still trying to deal with it all. My best friend moved across country to try and live a better life, close friend died in a freak accident, my mom moved out of state, older sister and best friend moved out of state last month, and i have no other family and very few friends i’m close with in town. Her leaving did not help lol. I also have car troubles and can’t even drive out there to meet her (she doesn’t have time to come see me bc she’s in a sorority) until i get my car repaired which will cost ~$2000, and she knows all of these things and still decided to move, thinking it will work out.

I don’t see it working out. going from seeing eachother 4-5 days a week to 1-2 times a month is such a drastic change for me, and being this separated i don’t feel like i can provide for her the way i should, and it doesn’t feel like she can comfort me the way i need in this time. Also, putting a 9 month relationship to the test with long distance doesn’t seem like it will end great. We are really just at such different points in our life rn i don’t think it will work. I’m stuck in my life, working full time in this piss poor city and doing everything i can to set up a stable future for myself to hopefully leave and get away from the drugs/crime that is so hard to get away from down here, while she is starting living her dream life at her dream school. I want to be happy for her so bad but it hurts me so much that she’s gone. Can i make this work? or should i just end it in order to not drag it on and simply work on myself like i know i need to?

  1. Yes, she won’t stay there and do nothing with other guys. Build yourself in life first, and only consider a woman for something permanent, that is capable of it physically, mentally, location wise…

  2. Yes, she won’t stay there and do nothing with other guys. Build yourself in life first, and only consider a woman for something permanent, that is capable of it physically, mentally, location wise…

  3. Yes, she won’t stay there and do nothing with other guys. Build yourself in life first, and only consider a woman for something permanent, that is capable of it physically, mentally, location wise…

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