It’s common knowledge that most women like being called things like “beautiful” or “gorgeous” but what do men like to be called? What is your preferred compliment? Especially filling in the blank of “hey _____”

Edit: for men in relationships, are there any specific pet names you like? (Babe, honey, love, etc)

  1. I have never really cared about words. You can call me baby or you can call me “fuggo stupidicus” and I wouldn’t care, it’s all about how you treat me physically.

    However, there was this one girl who just called me “man.” She wouldn’t say it like “bro” or something, like I would say “hey man, got a smoke?” No, she would say it with emphasis, like it was my name. “Man, come over and fuck me.” “I’ll see you there, *man*.” It was hot as shit and I haven’t felt that way about a word since.

  2. Anything said in love. Nothing said demeaningly, belittlingly, or with annoyance

  3. Well I love it when my wife calls me “sir” in bed. But she generally refuses to.

    And I’ve tried to get her to call me master outside of bed. She also refuses this one.

    But baby ain’t the worst name I’ve been called.

  4. If you put a gun to my head and made me explain why I couldn’t tell you but “Daddy”. My wife usually calls me “Dumbass” though.

  5. My lady just calls me “lovely”, which always makes me smile because she’s British and it just sounds adorable with her accent.

  6. I always call my SO “babe”. I’ve been called hun/honey, and occasionally daddy in bed which I like in small doses. Anything that displays affection is nice

  7. I love it when you call me “Big Poppa”

    So throw your hands in the air, if you’s a true player

  8. Babe, honey, darling, etc… Sweet things in general. Handsome, sexy, stud, etc… For foreplay. Sir in the bedroom. My name in all cases.

  9. Literally anything if it’s said in a playful/affectionate way. I’ve smiled at being called “my favorite waste of space”

  10. My wife calls me anything from “bastard” to “daolin’.” It’s all said with love.

  11. My wife has recently started calling me King. Can’t explain it, just going with it.

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