I went to Belgium and couldn‘t find tubed tomato paste anywhere. I went to Germany and I couldn‘t find canned tomato paste anywhere. I went to Poland and it comes in a glass.

  1. NL has both. And I could be wrong, but double and triple concentrated exists in both tube and tin.

  2. We’ve got all of them. Tomato paste is mostly sold in cans and glass jars, but tubes also exist.

  3. It’s a “if you like your tomato paste in a can, buy cans of tomato paste; if you like your tomato paste in a tube, buy tubes of tomato paste” country.

  4. NL got both, however it feels like low cost is more likely in a can.

    Germany is tubes.

    Turkey got their own kind of tomato paste, it’s usually in jars or cans.

  5. We have all of these. Typically the drier variants in tubes and the more liquid ones in cans, cartons or in glasses.

  6. > I went to Germany and I couldn‘t find canned tomato paste anywhere.

    You can *definitely* buy tomato paste (“Tomatenmark”) in cans in Germany. Or in a tube, or in a glass, or in a tetrapak.

  7. Tomato paste in TUBE????? Sorry? What is this sacrilege you are talking about? Is it something like a dental paste tube?

  8. I’ve seen more tomato paste in tubes on the shelves of stores rather that cans, but some places do sell them

  9. Here in Portugal we have all of them, but canned and tubber are rare. Most people buy in a glass jar.

  10. >I went to Belgium and couldn‘t find tubed tomato paste anywhere.

    You did not look hard enough. They sell it both canned and tubed here.

  11. Russia is a can country. I always end up throwing some of the paste away because it comes in a can and not a tube.

  12. I can find all three, glass jars, tins and tubes. I prefer tubes and jar, because can re seal them.

  13. You mean a concentrate? Tube and jars. Haven’t seen them in tins yet. I think tubes are most commonly used.

  14. tomato paste, the 2x or 3x concentrate, is usually in a tube

    tomato pulp in glass bottle or jar, can be preseasoned

    in a can, its usually tomato in pieces and tomato juice

  15. tomato paste is usually in a small jar but those in a tube are available too

    tomato pulp in glass bottle, a can or a carton box

    Tomatoes in pieces – in a can

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