I’m just finishing up my masters degree, and have landed myself a full time job to start when I’m done. I’ve been working part time in a bar for the past ~6 years, so I’m familiar with work to some degree but obviously nothing like a 40hr per week job. My job will be in healthcare, particularly occupational health if that makes a difference.

Any tips, bits of advice, or anything you’ve got to offer would be greatly appreciated.

  1. The first year of a real 40+ hour a week job could very possibly be the worst of your life. You will likely have waves of panic and think “Holy, shit is this literally all I do now? Just wake up, work, eat, sleep, and repeat?”

    Yes. But you’ll get used to it, and in about 4 decades that will fly by alarmingly fast, you can retire. Maybe.

  2. Dont sleep with anyone from work. HR is there to protect the company, not you. You have to schedule time for the gym.

  3. My advice would be to set your own boundaries, because no one else will do it for you.

    For example, I worked in a toxic workplace full of workaholics. I beg very felt that I fit in, but I figured it was just normal to answer calls at all hours, leave at 5:50am, get home after midnight some days, etc.

    That place was a good stepping stone career wise, but I didn’t realize how miserable I was until I was out.

  4. STFU for the first 5-6 months. You’re the new guy, and your opinions probably aren’t as novel or groundbreaking as you think. Take the time to learn how things work there and prove yourself a little before you start adding in your two cents.

    Don’t let yourself get caught up in drama or power struggles between other employees.

    If you’re going to dip your pen in company ink be VERY VERY careful about who you do it with, working with someone for a few shifts does NOT mean you know them, or how they’ll react if things go south.

  5. Drink a small glass of vodka with juice everyday before you go to work. It will be easier…..

  6. Don’t go too hard trying to impress everyone at first. Lots of people establish high expectations when they start but can’t sustain the pace forever. When they slow down, the bosses get pissed. Work at a pace you’ll be able to keep up for years.

  7. In general, if you’re new to the profession then no one expects you to know much — degree or not.

    Use this to your advantage: ask lots of questions and write it down.

  8. The best advice I can give is to look after yourself.

    1. Make sure you eat before you leave for work, and take enough food and drink with you for the day.

    2. Have some outlets for relaxation. Full time jobs can be stressful, so find something you can do to destress. Activities such as the gym, or a social club can be great.

    3. Remember, you work to live, not the other way around. A full time job can burn you up if you give too much to it, so make sure you take your holidays and don’t check your work phone/email when you’re off the clock.

    Good luck with the new job!

  9. Do not date, hook up with, sleep with, or anything else of that nature with anyone you work with.

    Just don’t.

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