So my (40m) neighbor (?F) have had a few run-ins. She’s complained about my music being too loud, she knocked on my wall whenever a lady friends gets too loud, and lastly she’s mailed herself stuff to my apartment. We’ve been on a “truce”. I’ve been thinking about the events leading up to the most recent run-in and I want to make sure I’m reading this correctly. We saw each other in the laundry room. Had small talk but she literally kept bending over in front of me. My shy dumbass looked but didn’t reach cause idk. Now she knocked on my door and told me she got some mail from me. Which is right. My question is – is there sexual tension there? Should I just go over knock on her door and just ask if she wants to have a drink?

Need advise.

  1. Uhhhhh, no. You’re definitely reading the situation wrong. Please just be a good neighbor and leave this woman alone.

  2. This shit just SCREAMS incel/neckbeard cringe. This guy does NOT have sex with females on his side of that wall, loool. His porn is on too loud. This guy has been fantasizing about this female neighbor for a long time now based off his post history- and he has no social confidence or awareness to realize she does not have feelings for him… and that he is probably coming off as creepy more than anything.

    Omg… OP, just let it go.

  3. So far the only information we have is that she’s complained about you a bunch of times and you think she was bending over too much while doing laundry.

    This isn’t how people flirt.

    It’s also not ideal to start a relationship with someone in your proximity anyway. If things go bad it will make everyone uncomfortable.

    Find someone else.

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