I (37F) used to be quite the self saboteur with relationships. I’ve been trying my best to work through this, grow and be a better person over the last few years. I’m in a healthy relationship with a lovely person (39M), we get on great, respect each other, openly communicate always and have a decent sex life.

But I can’t stop a little niggling voice in the back of my head saying this isn’t the right relationship for me.

How do I differentiate between this being legitimately not being a relationship I want to be in or just me self sabotaging to ‘protect myself from being hurt again’.

Thank you in advance.

1 comment
  1. I have a history of self sabotage, but looking back, that little voice in the back of my head was never wrong when it came to relationships. When I met my current girlfriend, for the first time, the thought that this wasn’t it never even crossed my mind.

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