Hi everyone! Hope this is the right place to post. My husband and I got married about 6 months ago and I’m just now going through the process of changing my last name to his. I’m worried about changing on social media though – because I’m so afraid of his family gossiping behind my back about me taking the name and entering the family. They are very resistant to “outsiders” so much so that although I’ve essentially been part of the family for 8 years, they still would not let me attend certain events. I get this may be an irrational fear, but any input accepted.

  1. That’s really weird. Is taking your husband’s name not the norm where you live or something? At least where I am, that would be expected. I wouldn’t worry about your in-laws. You’re joining with your husband to make your own family together, not joining his. That’s sort of the point.

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