I lied to my friends about losing my virginity with a guy i was dating earlier, and now I am in a fully committed relationship, and I told my boyfriend Im a virgin and he also is, but my friends think I’m not and i don’t know how them meeting would work. Should i tell them the truth?

  1. It’s always good to be truthfully. You defy don’t wanna lose your friends trust. Still being a virgin shouldn’t change how your friends see you. If they treat you differently, then they might not be true friends

  2. Well, It unlikely that this will come up. It’s not like your friends will be screaming out, “HEY!!! YOUR GF WAS NOT A VIRGIN!!!”

    Buuutttt if the topics of Ex’s ever comes up with your friends while he’s around….

    I’d just be honest with everyone here.

    But I 100% believe you should let your bf know. You see, even if he doesn’t care about the whole virginity thing. Lying to your S.O. mostly always leaves a bad taste in their mouth.

    You didn’t lie to him, but if for whatever reason your friends spill the beans, even though those beans are fake, he will question your honesty.

  3. It will suck but sooner or later they will find out (of course your bf knows the truth regardless) but they could make a fuss about it so just tell them and tell you bf how you lied to them with a good excuse (“I felt insecure when I compared myself to them so lied” or som) and you’ll be relieved…

    In my case (21m) I am virgin and people have made a fuss over me still being at such age, so I lie sometimes just to avoid “Oh why haven’t you landed it” or “what’s wrong with you what have you been doing this whole time??” things and whatever.

    Just clarify to everyone lol. Good luck

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