I (27F) married my soon-to-be-ex husband (30M) a year ago and we’ve beet together for 5 years. He has always been emotionally unavailable and mentally abusive. He always made me feel less than, not enough, not worthy of love or appreciation while constantly diminishing my achievements and telling me how I don’t actually have any responsibilities and my colleagues throw me “bones” to make me feel less useless but in reality I am completely useless. Was I dumb for agreeing to marry him? Yes! But I finally had the last straw a couple of weeks ago when he called 100+ times during a nightshift (healthcare worker) to explain to me very explicitly how useless I am and how I never deserve to be loved. He threatened to come to my job in the middle of the night “to talk”, cussed out my parents, told me the best thing I could do with my life was k*ll myself and many many more. A few days ago I told him I want him to disappear out of my life and he’s been looking for places to move out soon. I feel like I’ve been abused so much I don’t even recognise myself anymore and I can’t wait for him to get out of my life so I can live the way I want and heal myself. I can’t wait to be alone!

  1. I think you’re a little lost. Most of us don’t really like hearing about divorce and it’s pretty saddening to us.
    Instead of a marriage sub, I think you may be looking for a divorce sub.

  2. I am so sorry you had to endure that. There is no excuse. Good luck on your future.

  3. Guard yourself carefully against continued trouble and mischief during this time period, please – best of luck!

  4. Congratulations! Just make sure you are safe. He sounds unhinged and possibly dangerous. Perhaps it’s a good idea to not be around when he picks up his stuff.

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