Gentlemen: What was the occasion when you wore a suit for the first time?

  1. Early 20s, for family Christmas dinner. The tradition throughout my childhood and young adulthood was to have Christmas dinner at a private club that my uncle was a member of (dude’s got money).

    When I was a child, a blazer, khakis, and a tie always sufficed. But once I was in my 20s, I thought I should have a proper suit.

  2. As far as times I actually remember go, it would have to be prom my freshman year.

  3. Honestly I don’t remember. Late teens, some stereotypical event. Graduation? Funeral? Fuck if I know.

  4. There’s a really cute picture of me in a velvet suit when I’m like two years old. My mom put me in it for Christmas service at church. Does that count?

  5. At 20, a wedding of a close relative. Had a bowl cut at that time. Every time I see that photo, I want to throw my suit

  6. Funeral, I think. My family and relatives have a more leisurely relationship to marriage ceremonies and appropriate clothing. The first suit I bought myself was for a festive student event at university, which is the only thing I’ve worn suits for in the last half-odd decade (luckily).

  7. For our hockey games when was 10 years old. Age 10 till I stopped playing you had to wear one to the rink before every game

  8. Wedding.

    It’s funny I love men’s fashion and business and formal wear. As a kid I partially chose my career (B2B consulting and sales) because of the fantasy of wearing a suit and tie.

    Then I got into my professional career, and now everything has gotten very business casual. Especially post-pandemic. Many law, finance and banking careers don’t require suits anymore either.

    I’m remote WFH and wear a company polo shirt on my virtual meetings. I haven’t worn a suit in years. Call be Barney Stinson I do miss it, but times have changed.

    I’ve donated most of my suits. Most weddings I attend don’t even require suits anymore. I just wear a sportcoat (without tie) and I’m good.

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