Women who still wear makeup, why?

  1. On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks.

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  2. Inspired by a recent post. Not meant to be hateful! I personally love the makeup community in my country and enjoy putting it on, even when I WFH. It makes me feel happy with my daily routine even if I know noone will see me and I have to remove it in a few hours 😅

  3. It’s fun. I like how it compliments certain outfits I enjoy wearing. I don’t always use makeup, but when I do, I’m having a great time.

  4. Because I like it.

    It’s fun, I enjoy the process, I enjoy the creativity, its mindfulness (for me), and I get to be glittery at the end of it. Win win.

  5. It’s fun! I like myself without make-up but putting make-up is one of the things that motivate me daily 🙂

  6. I have the kind of face that looks 50x better with a little makeup, mostly due to my eyebrows and eyelashes being clear and my face being a few shades darker than the rest of me. The difference in how I’m treated between makeup vs. no makeup is stark. It seems silly to not do one 20 minute thing that can make me look so much better, at least when I’m leaving the house.

    Pre-pandemic I really loved it as a hobby; now it’s less about creativity and more about looking presentable. I have a literal cabinet full of palettes and other makeup goodies I guess I’ll never use again.

  7. I love it!! I do go out with a bare face, but the majority of the time I do the full face. I simply enjoy it and have a routine that doesn’t eat up too much time.

  8. Not to say I never wear makeup for fun, because I do on occasion. Nonetheless, the primary reasons I wear makeup are to be treated better by others, and because I do not like my face. The fact that anyone feels the need to do this sucks, but it’s also my reality.

    I’ve seen a growing movement online calling for women to ditch makeup entirely. I get where they’re coming from, it does suck if makeup makes you feel ugly without it, or if you feel pressured to wear makeup in order to be respected. At the same time, there’s a big difference in fixing societal stigmas, and me just being an insecure person just trying to survive the best I can in a looks-obsessed world.

  9. Because it is something that I do for myself, it makes me feel good and boosts my confidence. But I don’t always wear makeup and if I do, it’s mostly only some concealer, blush, lipbalm and clear mascara

  10. I mainly go out bare face but I can feel the confidence booster when I do wear makeup every now and then. I also enjoy doing it as i don’t use many products so I just take my time, listen to music and jam a little xD

  11. Everyone looks better with the “right/suitable” makeup, whether it’s full glamorous beat face or just a bit of blush and mascara, they look better.

    I used to wear makeup 5/7 days per week but I only do my makeup 1-2 times per month now, I go on without any makeup most days, not even eyebrow pencil nor lipstick. But there are days and times I just want to look a bit extra.

  12. its fun, creative and beautiful. i am also a person who likes to adjust things and there is nothing wrong with hiding those dark circles around the eyes or a pimple on a chin , as much as i like my face without makeup i like it with it as well.

  13. I like to glow up sometimes, glittery colourful happiness. 🙂 I usually don’t wear make up. But when I go to a concert or go out or sth, I love to look my absolute best and show my skills with make up and colour. It is fun.

  14. Makeup piddy.

    I’m a militant radical feminist and I consider it warpaint.

    It signals exactly what I want. To men: I’m not threatening (so I’m a double agent). To women, I’m just some other woman who wears makeup. To me? I’ve inherited my mom and grandmas love for decorative arts on/of the body. I love to make myself look and smell like a queen. I over dress instead of underdress.

    But ultimately It allows me as a militant radical feminist to move in the world of men.

  15. It’s like a little extra something that I do for me. I don’t do any full glam looks, but honestly since I’ve become completely WFH (and it’s becoming increasingly expensive or too hot to go out) I don’t get to express myself through my clothing so much. But just doing a little makeup look helps me express myself a bit.

  16. Because I have acne scars. I’ve never worn a ton a makeup, but I usually at least cover up my scars and put on some waterproof mascara.

  17. Acne, I literally can’t leave home without makeup and going outside for yardwork is a crapshoot. I’m hoping to kick it sometime before menopause but that situation is TBD. The worst is when I bike to work and it rains. I need to pack an emergency makeup bag on those days.

  18. I like to use make up to accentuate my features. Mascara lipstick liner eyeshadow. Blush. I hate foundations

  19. I grew up never doing my makeup and I would do it in secret bc every time I did wear it my family laughed at me. Now I can wear it proudly

  20. What do you mean, still? I don’t know any women who don’t wear makeup. I would never let anyone see me without it, except my husband.

  21. Why do we paint? Why do we draw or color? It’s an art form. Am I beautiful without makeup? Absolutely gorgeous. But I just enjoy the process of putting it on SO much. Sometimes I put on makeup in my room when I’m not even going anywhere I wash it off immediately after. And I love when girls (friends or strangers) compliment my makeup.

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