Background story: My mom met my step dad when I was 5 and they got married when I was 7. At the time I HATED it, he had a son that was pretty much the exact same age as me. We fought ALOT when they first moved in, Id go as far and say that I genuinely despised him. Our parents really had their hands full with us lol

When we were both 7 our parents told us they were pregnant with our half brother. This was when I still hated my step brother and the new marriage still kinda pissed me off so I wasn’t too thrilled about another kid being added. When he was born is when I really hit my angst-y side and I remember my older cousin (12 at the time) recording me going on a rant about how much I hate both my brothers and how I wanted both gone and some other not nice things said about both. 2 years later my mom gave birth to my half sister, I was starting to come around to the new family a bit more so wasn’t as pissed with her.

Main story: My half brother and sister are now 9 and 7, they’re both pretty loud kids and while I dont mind it my stepbrother HATES it. The other day they got into it again and IDK how he found it but he found my old DSI that had the rant on it and showed our younger brother the entire vid. I was on the couch while they were in the hallway and I could see him look upset before practically pushing the older one out of the way and went to his room.

The older one wouldn’t stop laughing and told me the vid he showed him. I was pretty miffed at this and said something along the lines of “The fuck is wrong with you? Hes a fucking child you asshole” He told me something like “Well im not the one who fucking made the vid huh?” I flipped him off before going to my room before I said anything else.

I’ve already apologized to the younger one and I think he understands but I haven’t said a word to the older one going on 3 days now, hes tried to talk to me but I refuse to say a word to him. My mom is now saying I’m being immature since the younger one already forgave me and my stepbrother but nope im not breaking soon.
thoughts on this?

TL;DR:My stepbrother showed our little brother a video of me ranting about him being in my life and im so pissed I haven’t talked to my stepbrother in 3 days.

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