I’m a 34m currently in the process of getting a divorce. I recently got a new job but still go out for drinks with my old colleagues. Roughly 8 or 9 people. Their a fun bunch and we mesh really well. Among them is a 23f who is way too attractive to be romantically interested in me lol. I am not the only male in this group btw. There’s another 35f whom we text regularly and seems kinda flirty with me but that’s another story. Anyway these 2 girls a 2 peas in a pod. Long story short, I got invited out for drinks last Friday and we had a blast. Before we all went our separate ways, we said our fairwells and she just kissed me on the lips. I was expecting a cheek kiss and a hug which is what we all normally do. But she went straight for the kiss. At first I thought it was one of those mistaken lip kisses. But seeing as her head tilted n a way that wasn’t for a cheek kiss I doubt that. She has never been overtly flirty with me in any capacity before. We get along really well and she refers to me as like a brother to her. Which is fine cos I wasn’t actively trying to hook up with her anyway. But now I’m confused. We haven’t spoken since that night which is normal as we only text to setup group outings in our group chat. But idk if I should bring it up to her in private. She’s also moving overseas in December if that matters

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