I haven’t had the opportunity to travel much so I can only talk from what I’ve seen on the internet.

I’d like to get opinions from people who have seen more landscapes first hand. If you could make a compilation of landscapes from each country which would be the winner in terms of beauty and variety? Example Switzerland is gorgeous but mainly one kind of landscape. So beauty but no variety, few countries have both.

I think China could be a contender for best overall? Argentina? Brazil? Canada?

  1. We’ve got the variety, but *most* beautiful is too subjective to be claimed by any country.

  2. America is probably the country with the most variety in different types of beautiful nature in the world. Whether the most beautiful place in the world is in the US is something that can be answered only on the level of the individual

  3. Having traveled to many places in the US i can say many beautiful places to see here. But i would say if you search out in all the countries around the world will have places to see in nature.

  4. The range is definitely incredible in the USA. From white sand beaches, to forests, to mountains. We sort of have it all being so big and having such diverse geography. The most beautiful is hard to quantify, though.

  5. Beauty is subjective but like others have said, we have a ton of variety. We have grasslands, mountains, beaches, swamps, tundra, deserts, forests, you name it. I think we live in a beautiful country but there are so many other countries with beautiful locations too. It just all depends on what you like personally

  6. I mean, Europe is the second smallest continent. Its countries are smaller than people realize. America is a very big country. [3rd or 4th largest by land area.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_area) So naturally, we have a lot of different biomes to explore.

    As a corollary, Australia is smaller but has one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, in a more compact area. South America also has many interesting environments worth looking into, as you mentioned.

    All in all, I don’t think there’s a “best” nature. Nature is too diverse for a tiered ranking. The Redwood Forests are too different from the jungle to really compare.

  7. I feel like we have excellent variety, especially when you include Hawaii. But there’s an awful lot of nature in the world.

  8. I think that’s a strange question. I’m accustomed to the nature I see here. I try not to take it for granted, but I’m accustomed to it.

    If you asked me where I saw the most beautiful nature in the world, sure I’d tell you about where I’m from and the places I love. But maybe I’d tell you the Colombian Amazon was the most beautiful nature I’d ever seen. Or maybe Ilha Grande off the coast of Brazil. Maybe Oaxaca.

    And then maybe someone comes along and says actually the most beautiful place in the world is some place I haven’t been yet, and I wouldn’t have any reason not to believe them.

    Alabama in August was about as green as Washington in the Spring from what I saw. That’s hard to top. New England in the Fall is pretty incredible. North Eastern Texas was, I think as definitively “God’s Country” as any place I’ve ever been. New Mexico is unbelievable -like you literally can’t believe you’re seeing what you’re seeing it when you’re seeing it -and then of course I’m biased and if I told you that the lost coast and the redwood forests of northern California are the most beautiful place in the world, I’d be telling you the truth, too.

    I dunno man. Call me a hippy, but there’s lots to see, everywhere you go.

  9. America does have a wonderful range of landscapes and biomes.

    I place it as my favourite single country for natural beauty.
    Australia (my homeland) is my close second. Arid regions, temperate forest and rainforest, snowy mountains (not the same scale as US), all kinds of beaches, tropical regions of all kinds, regions of temperate fields.

  10. All of what everyone else is saying. We have a great variety of beautiful places because the US is so big, but there are many other beautiful places around the world. Pick your favorite. ❤️

  11. Well, as a country, America literally has it all. From Alaska, to Hawaii, to Vermont, to Florida to Arizona to Puerto Rico. So, oooops forgot California! So we got everything from all environments. Any other country would also have something equally wonderful to share!

  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What I find beautiful may be completely different from my neighbor.

    We do have a wide variety of natural beauty in the US, though. Even my own state has such varied natural beauty. Red rock, deserts, mountains, lush grass lands…just different from top to bottom.

    From my yard right now, I can see the sunset making a mountaintop glow pink. And I’d say…that’s pretty damn beautiful.

    I bet someone else is seeing the sunrise from their porch and thinking it’s pretty damn beautiful, too.

  13. No. We’ve got plenty of beautiful places, but so does Switzerland to name the one that always comes to mind first. And China. And Germany. And Austria. And the Nordic countries. And Japan. And so many parts of Africa and the Middle East. The Amazon. The Andes. And so on. And almost everywhere else

  14. No. We’re just as beautiful as the rest of the world. I have a small collection of photobooks from artists from across the world. Guilin is stunning as is the Steppe, the Amazon, the Mountain West, the Afrotropics, and the British Isles. The whole rock is covered in beautiful nature.

  15. Attempting this turns into a fool’s errand. It will depend on what you find beautiful.

    The most naturally beautiful places I have seen are Denali in Alaska, the volcanic islands in Greece, Tsingy in Madagascar, and Zhangjiajie in China. As you can tell, I like big rocks.

  16. No, no way. So much of the world (Asia, and parts of Africa and South America) are virtually unknown to general population in western world.

    Most beautiful places on earth average person can’t even reach.

  17. I’ve traveled across multiple countries and continents alike. I’ve still yet to find anywhere that has the natural diversity and beauty we have here in the USA. It helps that we have so many different biomes.

  18. We have a ton of variety and a lot of beauty. We have to be up in the rankings. But being the third largest country and one of the most diverse landmasses is kind of like cheating.

    It’s very subjective.

  19. I’ve seen beautiful things all over the planet. America has a lot of natural beauty as do other places. There is no reason or way to rank them in my opinion.

  20. China has a lot more natural sights and views I rather see than in the US. The US has maybe, two that I like.

  21. I don’t know about *the most* beautiful. But it really is magnificent, isn’t it?

  22. I think you haven’t traveled that much to discover the beauty the world has to offer. You can’t subjectify beauty to one particular place. I know you have a young American blood running in your veins. But it’s not a field to make comparisons.

  23. Based on straight up facts and personal experiences of traveling 200 countries in terms of natural beauty:

    1. Brazil
    2. Australia
    3. Canada
    4. USA
    5. Russia
    6. China
    7. India
    8. South Africa
    9. Chile
    10. Indonesia
    11. Mexico
    12. Peru
    13. Colombia
    14. Argentina
    15. Ecuador

  24. It’s subjective.

    Having had the opportunity to travel to 78 countries so far, the US has many types of land.

    The most beautiful, most likely not.

    Everything that the US has is marginally to magnificently more majestic elsewhere.

  25. American lucky to have visited over 40 countries in my life, so I might be somewhat qualified to answer this one. Ofc the world is so so so much larger than what I’ve seen in my travels, but still.

    The United States should easily be in the running for ONE of the most beautiful countries on Earth. I’d say we are a shoe-in for the top five, full stop. A lot of this comes from the geographic and ecological diversity of our ecosystems, plus some brilliant examples of certain ‘types’ of natural scenery.

    I have never visited a desert locale that even approaches the splendor of the American southwest. Arizona and Utah specifically deserve special acclaim. The SW National Park stretching from the Grand Canyon to Zion and Arches draws massive international crowds, and for good reason. The hiking is obscene. That region is definitely an embarrassment of riches. I say this having visited the Sahara in Morocco and wide travels in the Middle East. I regretted spending money to see Ayers Rock/Uluru in Australia since it laughably paled in comparison to even unmarked and unvisited corners of the US SW.

    As for mountain alpine scenery, it’s hard to top Montana and Washington State. But it can be topped. Banff/Jasper/Yoho national parts in western Canada kicks it up a notch. As does Switzerland. But not by much.

    The Hawaiian islands, especially Kauai, has some of the most ridiculous topography I’ve ever seen. The Na Pali coast should be a bucket list item for every ambitious traveler. I say this after intentionally avoiding Hawaii for over three decades out of some sense of travel snobbery…how proud and foolish I was. The only tropical coastline which comes close, in my experience, is Palawan in the Philippines.

    Truth be told, the physical beauty of the US is found mainly in the west…sorry east coast and Midwest.

    I currently live in Washington State, which is full of gorgeous gems. Particular local favorite spots of mine include Mt. Rainier National Park, the gobsmacking Oregon Coast, and the Hoh rainforest in the Olympic peninsula. It’s one of the wettest spots in North America, and the cathedral of massive trees bedecked in thick mosses and ferns attest to that. I consider myself very lucky to live in this part of the world, and nature is a key factor!

  26. I think it’s a contender bc of variety, but there are so many beautiful diff landscapes around the globe.

    One of the most beautiful places I’ve been is the Isle of Skye. I was in awe.

    Those mountains in the south of China? The pointy, misty ones? I wanna see those so bad. Also that rainbow valley that looks like Dragon Tales (also in Peru).

    Turkey’s stalactite lookin mountains are also v unique and cool. (Capadoccia)

    Off the top of my head those are landscapes we don’t have.

    But given that, we also have so much that’s unique/varied like the canyons out west, the plains, yosemite/the redwoods, the rockies, hawaii, alaska, the everglades, amber waves of grain, purple mountains majesty

    That’s really just a list, but tbh every state I’ve been to has a diff look and vibe that’s related to the underlying geology and plant life in the area. Even within a small area like New England.

  27. India has a lot of the same kind of geographic regions – Himalayas in the north, rainforests, plains, mangroves, deserts (high mountain as well as sand), tropical islands, salt flats, farmlands, huge deltas, deep jungles…

  28. I live in Ireland, which is beautiful, but Iceland is the most breathtaking country I’ve ever seen

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