I’ve tried doing some things they enjoy, and honestly it feels they’re moving more and norepinephrine into the territory of “you need to pay to do this” rather than me just joining or tagging along, and I’ll be honest, I don’t really enjoy most of it all that much. There’s some middle ground, things we’ll both enjoy but my friends are moving further and further away from that and aren’t really willing to compromise as of late. Any advice for what I can do from here?

  1. Find people who want to do what you’d like to do.

    Different people like different things and it’s ok not to go to a thing you don’t like if you don’t want to.

  2. Finding common ground with friends can be tricky sometimes. If you’ve already tried joining in on their activities but aren’t enjoying them, it’s important to communicate your feelings openly and honestly. Let them know that you’d like to spend time doing things you enjoy as well. They might not even realize that you feel left out. Suggest exploring new activities together that you both might find interesting. Compromise is key in maintaining a healthy friendship, so it’s important that both parties are willing to make an effort.

  3. I don’t really understand haha. So they wanna do activities that cost money like seeing a movie or going out for drinks etc?

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