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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Just a few years ago, pretty much all my close friends (well I didn’t have that many) lived within 30 minutes of me. Now, one friend went to Massachusetts (14.5 hr drive) a while ago and stayed there, one (30-45 min drive) lives pretty close by, my brother went to some place on the Georgia-South Carolina border (4.75 hrs drive). One of my college friends lives nearby still, but the other one went to California for grad school (1.5 day drive). Dunno what happened to the third…

    Probably gonna get hard to visit everyone.

    Well I’m not particularly close to the people I hanged around with in class. Partly because of my work and residence off campus, and partly because Covid. Dang those Lab and internship shutdowns, but what can we do?

  2. It’s monday everybody. I had a great weekend. Now it’s time to procrastinate at the office again. So here is my ranking of the best European tricolour flags based on the colours, colour combinations, and the order of colours:

    1. The Netherlands, the shades of the red and blue are goated
    2. Estonia, cool combination of colours
    3. Germany, The red and yellow look so nice with the black
    4. France, indisputable classic, just works
    5. Belgium, colours same as Germany, but would be better if it was horizontal
    6. Hungary, the shade of green is nice and earthy
    7. Italy, very classic, but The Netherlands has a better red and Hungary has a better green
    8. Luxembourg, the colours are too bright
    9. Bulgaria, I don’t like when the white is on top, looks unbalanced
    10. Russia, same as above, but also the blue is a weird shade
    11. Ireland, too easy to confuse with Côte d’Ivoire
    12. Romania, looks like a cum stained French flag
    13. Lithuania, odd colour combo which I think could work better if the yellow was in the middle

    I feel like I might have gone too hard on at least one of the flags… oh well. Tune in next time when I rank every Finnish municipal coat of arms with one of the ”big four” predators on it.

  3. We’re planning to move to France early next year, and we’re starting to put some serious though on move logistics. So I’ve been having a look at what furniture I’d leave behind to repurchase later and good lord, the price hike in furniture! What the hell happened to IKEA? Is there a wood shortage I’m not aware of?

  4. Since we are talking about houses… I had told that the mother of my husband’s friend passed away recently. I had been taking care of her cat, and while I did that I was in an out of her house several times. And man, I love that house. It is in great condition, I love the furniture inside, there is a winter garden, and the garden is just the perfect size. And the lounge is just so cosy. I haven’t seen the bedrooms, but there are many (she had four kids).

    The problem is, it’s not on sale, I don’t know if it will be, and I am not at a stage in my life at the moment to buy a house. But I do love it. I would even keep the piano, since it’s already there.

    *sigh* I never considered myself someone to pine after a house… maybe I am getting old.

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