I (F23) have been seeing Ashton (M22) for about two months now. We often hangout with each other’s friend groups and have a sleepover at least once a week. Physically, the connection is great, but I am beginning to doubt our long-term potential. Ashton has made more of an effort to take me out on dates and prioritize time together, romanticizes our future, in addition to asking about important parts of my day throughout the week. This leads me to believe he’s being genuine in his interest in me and sees more as more than a hookup. This being said, I have heard criticisms from girls associated with his friend group with the overall theme “I can do better”, and comments referring to him being a past “fuck boy”. I am quite positive he is not hooking up with other people (regularly asks for hickies and comments about “not finishing” since last time we hungout.)

I have tried to gently encourage Ashton to communicate about what he is looking for, but usually get shut down and told he has trouble with emotions/vulnerability. He treats me well though and the sex is great, so I have let this go for some time. Until… I met someone Mickey (M21) while I was at the bar with some friends. I was surprised to learn Mickey’s age because he presents himself older and appears to have his career and feelings much more figured out than Ashton. I personally don’t care about a well-paying job or clear career path because it is not always indicative of maturity. I told Mickey about my situationship and he was adamant on showing me how I should be treated. I went on one date with Mickey and… it was maybe the best date I have ever been on. Amazing food and even better conversation. I appreciate how I can communicate with him compared to Ashton, but I have loyal tendencies and feel obligated to see things through with Ashton considering how much time we have invested.

I am still giving Ashton the majority of my energy, but this past weekend, I began to have more doubts. He still is struggling to open up and I am wondering if I am choosing comfortableness over what I could have with Mickey. I want to get to the bottom of Ashton’s intentions without making him feel uncomfortable. Should I ask how he feels about me exploring things with Mickey? I am afraid that will push him away. How can I approach this topic with someone who struggles with emotional vulnerability? I do care about him and really value our time together and very much open to exploring things on a more in depth level, but if that is something he can’t do, I should probably know sooner than later. Please offer advice, I feel anxious even thinking about how to talk to Ashton about this.

1 comment
  1. Ask him if he sees this as a casual or serious relationship. If he says serious then ask to be exclusive and to be BF/GF

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