This guy is my co-worker. It has a time he gave me feeling that he’s into me by waiting me to go home together (we’re going on the same train line) when I finish really late, asking me did i want anything to eat,etc. My co-worker even ask us were we dating, but i said no (does that mean we look like we’re dating?). He even told me guys only teasing, waiting for a girl he has feelings for (he sort of teasing me a lot when we work together even now). He used to text me a lot and always be the one who text first and ask me some weird questions (like how does a guy know if a girl likes him). But he also mentions another girl in front of me. I even thought he liked her but when i asked he said no. And im feeling like he likes her so when we work together till late, i decided to leave the store without waiting him, then he texted me why did i leave without him and tried to ask me where were i. This makes me so confused, i dont know what’s in his head? Like why did he care? And then we didn’t have so many shifts working together so we didn’t talk much, but whenever we have chance to work together, i always try to be normal(still teasing, playing around)

What should I do now? Should i continue thinking about his feelings for me and mine for him? How can i make myself stop liking him?

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