My wife and I have been having lots of issues as of late. I don’t want to separate but I don’t know what to do. My wife and I have been married for almost 4 years and been together for 5. We have a 5 year old son who I just finally adopted. But when the adoption went through things got even worse. I dont give up easy. She doesnt care anymore. She doesn’t do anything for our kid, doesn’t do laundry, does bare minimum cleaning, doesn’t ever cook us dinner, or do anything with our son I wake both of them up in the morning and get kiddos clothes ready. All she does is yell and scream and pure irritation all the time. Only time she wants to do anything is when we have to spend money. Now financially we should be set I have a really great job that pays me upwards of 70k a year and she has a job where she makes 30k a year but her spending has gotten out of control, I’m living paycheck to paycheck even though I shouldn’t be. She won’t listen to anything I have to say and basically my opinion is irrelevant, whenever I bring up the fact that everything and literally everything I say is ignored she says she cares about my opinion and it does matter. It’s not healthy for our kid to see this and I’ve tried everything from talking and helping to yelling and refusing to do anything for her anymore. I feel like im drowning and have no relief. I need her help but idk what to do or say anymore.

Tl;Dr:Wife refuses to help with anything around the house or with our kid. Need advice please. At the end of my rope and have nowhere to turn.

  1. I’m truly sorry to hear about the struggles you’re facing in your marriage. It sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed and unheard. One suggestion might be to print out this post and let your wife read it. Sometimes, seeing things in writing can have a different impact than hearing them spoken aloud. It might help her understand the depth of your feelings and concerns. I have found that trying to express your feelings through conversation might be less productive than if you handed her a letter stating exactly the way you feel about your marriage.

    Additionally, have you considered couples counseling? A neutral third party can provide valuable insights and tools to help both of you navigate these challenges. It’s essential for both of you to be on the same page, especially for the sake of your child. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

    Whatever you decide, I hope things improve for you and your family. Stay strong and take care.

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