I (21M)was drinking with my girlfriend (19F) her brother (29M) and her brothers girlfriend (27F). I got way too drunk to the point of being violently ill, and I ended up punching my girlfriends brother in the face. This is extremely out of character for me and I just can’t understand why I did it. I understand and accept that she’s gone for good but I still need to know why this happened.

  1. Oh bro, sounds like you went from a fun night to a straight-up shitshow in record time. Look, alcohol has this notorious reputation for turning some of us into absolute muppets, and unfortunately, you’re the asshole right now. So, let’s break it down:

    Accountability: You cocked up, big time. No two ways about it. Owning it is the first step, and you seem to be there. But acknowledging it out loud, especially to the parties involved, is crucial.

    Apologize, and Mean It: This ain’t gonna be just a “Sorry for last night” text kind of situation. You need to sit down with your girlfriend and her brother (once things have cooled off a bit) and genuinely apologize. And when you do, don’t play the “I was drunk” card too hard. Yes, alcohol might have been a factor, but responsibility still lies with you.

    Re-evaluate the Booze: Look, if one night of over-drinking made you go all Conor McGregor on your potential future brother-in-law, you might want to rethink your relationship with alcohol. Consider toning it down or seeking some help if you think you need it.

    Your Girlfriend: Mate, this is her family. Families are really close a lot of the time, and you’ve just smacked her brother. You need to be prepared for some cold shoulders, some serious conversations, and the possibility that she might need some space to process everything.

    Action: People like to see remorse through actions, not just words. Consider looking into anger management or counseling. Even if you think this was a one-time blunder, showing that you’re taking active steps to prevent it from happening again might help mend bridges. (Therapy is one of them)

    Remember, humans fuck up all the time. It’s in the job description. But how you handle the aftermath is what will set the tone for your future with these people.

    Best of luck and here’s hoping the only thing you’ll be raising in the future is a toast and not a fist.

  2. I don’t understand why people drink when all they do is become “out of character.”” Why drink a potion that makes you not in control of yourself. All you can do is go and apologize and say that it’s not like you, and that only happened because you were intoxicated.

    Stop drinking, that was the root of the problem.

  3. Play stupid games win stupid prices.

    Sorry to say but to say this is out of character is not really a fair answer alcohol just brings up subconscious paterns in people, so you probably have some undealt anger in your or whatever that you have the work on

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