I’m taking about short, mid and long term. Whatever you define that as.

  1. I can go first:

    Short term goal – pass all my classes. lose 10 lbs before end of year.

    Mid term goal – get my bachelors degree. Visit another country (hopefully Japan) before the end of next year.

    Long term goal – get a job in a field I enjoy by the time I’m 35. (27 atm)

  2. I am bit older than you, so my education related ones are ages ago.

    For me, setting goals work as long as they are positive goals. Ex: losing weight is a depressing goal for me. But being able to run 10km under 50 minutes is more exciting.

    Some of the things I set an achived were.

    Building Career around my childhood hobby.

    Becoming a marathon runner. (Still have goals around this as I want to hit specific time goals)

    Income/Wealth goals (Dont want to share numbers but made it to top 1% of my country. Now aiming higher.)

    I am currently working on the goal of turning my childhood hobby into a business.

  3. Today: eat healthy, get to the gym, do some chores around the apartment.

    This week: start and finish a mini backpack, finish the handles on a tote, get to the gym at least four days this week, and find and apply to at least 10 jobs that fit my skill set.

    This next month: show consistency and success in completing my weekly goals

  4. Short term goal two months ago was to quit drinking

    Long term goal is to maintain that

    Doing good so far

  5. Last weekend I took an mma fight with zero grappling experience at 190 lbs when I walk around closer to 220.

    I made weight without a water cut. And I got my ass kicked in about 30 seconds.

  6. Last weekend I took an mma fight with zero grappling experience at 190 lbs when I walk around closer to 220.

    I made weight without a water cut. And I got my ass kicked in about 30 seconds.

  7. At age 19 after failing 2nd semester of college due to partying and lack of discipline ( 4 classes ), I had an awakening that I’m a failure and I had to change my approach to life. I set a goal to have my own house, car and a motorbike at the age of 25 and earn at least 4K euros a month. Now at the age of 23 I have my own house ( mortgage ), my own VW ID.3 and and make roughly 5K euros a month being an electrician with programming experience.

    Also had a goal of being able to do 10 pull ups and 60 push ups perfect form without stopping. Hit that this year and working on a top notch physique.

    My next goal is to find a loving and genuine woman and have at least 1 child by the age of 30 ( preferably 2 ).

    Down the line I want to have a holiday home and a sports car but that’s distant future for now.

  8. Every January I set goals for the coming year. Usually a financial, a physical, a personal development, and one relating to my kid. I write them on a dry erase board to track my progress and generally achieve most of them.

  9. Over a year ago. Get my kvb2 climbing sertification. Never climbed before, and im overweight. Got it a couple months ago. Still overweight tough, but every week im present at the climbing gym.

  10. general: quit drugs/drinking. other than allowing myself to enjoy the occasional cigar, it’s been surprisingly easy so far.

    mid-term: learn a martial art and keep at it. it’s becoming a bit exhausting since i’m also going to the gym, so pretty intense excercise 6x a week atm.

    long-term: get a gf and hopefully start a family at some point in the next couple of years. i’m pretty picky, so we’ll see how that one will go.

  11. Years ago I wanted to be cigarette free and not drinking soo much alcohol and be less heavy by the time I get to 65 and retired. Still working at 65 but not smoking and paused drinking for a year now but the weight is hanging on.

  12. Last year, when I have had enough. So far,

    (Done) lose weight. Lost 20+ kgs.
    (Ongoing) Learning swimming
    (Done) Mountain hiking
    (Done) Mountain biking
    (Done) Mountain hiking in a snow
    (Done) solo trip to another country
    (Done) Road trip in another country
    (Done) Medium range biking trip, approx 40 km
    (ongoing) build up stamina to run 6 km non-stop
    (Todo) shape the body
    (Todo) start body skin care routine, regularly
    (Done) Ziplining
    (Todo) Learn snowboarding/skiing
    (Todo) improve voice, using voice exercises
    (Todo) Ride snowmobiles
    (Todo) Do a city bike trip in Italy/Greece/Spain
    (Done) skydiving

    That’s it.

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