What part of your body currently doesn’t feel 100%%

  1. I’ve got what I assume is tennis elbow; all they found on the x-ray was a “small enthesophyte” not where my elbow hurts.

    I’ve also got something going on with my knee that didn’t show up on the x-ray, but it hurts.

    I’ve also got some pain in my wallet because the fucking x-rays cost over $200.

  2. 2 months ago I was doing a squat with a very light weight, and suddenly felt an intense pain in my lower back. I was then almost crippled for about a week and slowly gained range of motion. The pain traveled down a leg and kept lingering, but I could feel it get a little better.

    I’m finally able to work out again but it’s still occasionally bugging me. I do see my doctor soon so I can bring it up.

  3. As a combat veteran, a lot. I only have one kidney now, my back was busted. My knees are blown. Yay me.

  4. One of my shoulders hurts when I move it the wrong way, and just sorta feels…looser than the other. Been like that for two years now, and I’m starting to maybe consider thinking about going to the doctor about it.

    Pretty sure I’ll just be told “welcome to your 30’s, enjoy your deteriorating body, cause you just gotta live with it.”

  5. my legs. the other day i finally got the hang of doing barbell squats and i went overboard. getting up today was a huge pain in the ass. it’ll probably be two days before i can comfortably squat.

  6. Right elbow. Pretty sure it’s tennis elbow from over doing it on preacher curls.

  7. Lower back.

    Started doing some yin yoga tho and after a week it already feels pretty significantly better. Will probably keep this up for a while

  8. 34m. My butthole and stomach. I have two young kids in daycare and pick up everything they bring home. Been erupting like a volcano all day. I like to think of it as a free cleanse.

  9. My right shoulder never feels close to 100%, but recently did some minor damage to the arch of my right foot. Stopped limping at least, so it is on the mend.

  10. My eyes are, frankly, fuckered. Autoimmune condition dicked em right up. 1/10, don’t recommend.

  11. I think my eye lashes are the only part that feel 100%. Everything else feels degraded or in pain.

  12. My left ankle hasn’t felt the same since it hit a 90 degree angle during pick up basketball

  13. My back. I have sciatic pains. It has gotten really bad, but I can’t afford to get it checked out. Got to love America, lol.

  14. My right ankle, sprained the fuck out of it a couple of months ago. I use to be able to run downstairs and upstairs pretty normally but now Its weird.

    Also have a bit of Ptsd of hurting myself like that again so I’ve been very scared.

  15. Right knee. Screwed it up 30 years ago. Last week I hit my head and pulled a muscle in my neck.

  16. Left shoulder, right ankle.

    Both feel like they’d snap if i made a sudden move at the moment.

  17. The actual number will never feel 100%, because I do not know for certain. I attended university in the 1980’s and to say the fraternity parties of that era tried to imitate Animal House would be an understatement, I could give a number, but I would know it could be +or – up to 4.

  18. My mind.

    Two weeks post breakup.

    Getting the rest up to speed, so my head can catch up.

    Relationship was awful. She was awful. But yet, here I am, struggling with it. I left. She called me out of spite to tell me she was fucking someone after a week.

    Time heals all wounds, right?

  19. Brain.

    Also I gave myself Achilles tendonitis playing ringfit too much but mostly my brain.

  20. Inguinal hernia bigging me lately. Have had it since before covid. Same days just more annoying.

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