How low are your standards?

  1. Relationship standards: very high

    Hookup standards: directly proportionate to how lonely and/or horny I am at the time

  2. I briefly considered boning this well to do attractive woman who hadn’t bathed and smelled like a homeless person

    So it can vary wildly 🤔

  3. I vetoed every single person in my country permanently, also vetoed everyone for the next 4 years (Technically 7 years since the veto was issued 3 years ago).

  4. My standards are complicated. They’re so high that only my wife could ever hope to meet them, and yet so low that regardless of the state she is in, I’ll tell her how sexy and lovely she is and mean it.

  5. heartbeat – check.

    female – check.

    the rest comes as we go along. you know how our ethics and morale’s match. sense of humor, if we have some shared things we like. ( camping, hiking, new places, try new things etc., ) take time to learn about the person and how we match.

    if we don’t match that is okay and if we are only dating no big deal. However if I am looking for a long term partner – then we have to mesh. So I take my time. . . life is a marathon not a race.

  6. I don’t hook up if I’m not in a monogamous relationship. I will forego; which means several multi-year dry spells. I can usually find 2 or 3 women a month who meet my visual standards using Online dating or social media, but failed the monogamy clause

  7. Lower than they used to be, but I think they’re also a lot more realistic. As a teen/early twenties guy I missed out on a lot of potential fun because my standards were stupid.

  8. According to typical beauty standards, basically non-existent. I’m gay so it’s different, but I like a lot of men people would typically point to as very ugly.

  9. I only messed with women that give you that shock of “holy fuck she’s hot”. So small dating pool but I feel like I did alright

  10. I don’t know. They are pretty normal, I think.

    I want a woman who can cook and she has to be caring. She also must be willing to stay with me if things go wrong. Her looks can be average, I don’t really care about that. I date any race.

    If she’s willing to be a stay at home mom then that would be better. My income alone can allow us to live a “rich” lifestyle in America, where I’m currently located.

    *if she can’t cook but she fills out all the other spots then it’s fine. She can learn. I can cook but most of the time I wont have the time on my hands to cook. She can order food and I take her out to eat when I do have time.

  11. Any woman who’s willing to lower her standards to the point of actually agreeing to sleep with me I don’t want to be with.

  12. Pretty low.she really only has to have good hygiene and be a good hearted , caring person

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